Thursday, November 26, 2009

What's wrong with people? (Part One)

What is wrong with people? A question I was asked by a child. It hit me in the face, what is wrong with people? What happened to us that made us the only creature on the planet that kills for no reason? What makes us so aggressive? Why do we seem insane? Why have we amnesia about our past? These are some of the additional questions I have been forced to ask myself as I considered the question and observed the antics of my "fellow" man. How did it all begin?

We look to our past and we are told a “story” that goes something like this: 1,000,000 years ago we had trouble rubbing two sticks together, 500,000 years ago we worked out chipping rocks made cutting edges. 50,000 years ago it is claimed we suddenly began to work things out and started sticking seeds in the ground in an organised manner and mucking about with metals. Our recorded history only goes back 5,000 or so years and most of that is hazy at best. But in that short time we have it seems rapidly compounded our knowledge until we find ourselves in the modern day, sending probes out past the outer planets and according to one astronaut, putting two men on a bicycle on the moon.

Why the sudden acceleration in learning ability? How did that happen? Where did this knowledge come from? Did we suddenly evolve? According to the "story" there have been few changes in us if any for many thousands of years and yet.... We have supposedly done this ourselves and pretty much all in the last 100 years! I have witnessed a huge change in technology in my short time on earth. If we have done this now in this short a time frame then I can see no reason why it could not have happened many times in the past. But the "story" states that we have been here but a short time and this is the first technological civilisation, any talk of anything different is the speculations of a deluded mind.

Does the evidence back up the "story"? Well no, It seems the evidence suggests a very different past, one in which we have been around a lot longer. For some reason this is not the accepted “story” as dictated by contemporary science and or religion. In fact by use of hiding, destroying, ignoring and lying about or ridiculing anything that does not fit the “story” the “establishment” have attempted to keep the true state of things out of the general populations minds.

Religion has played a large role in maintaining the "story". Most of us are kept very busy and distracted just trying to maintain ourselves and loved ones in this modern age of paid slavery most don’t bother to question the “story”. However there are those among us that look at the world and the “story” and see the glaring omissions and outright deceptions and realize that: 1. There is a different and far more interesting story to be learnt, and 2. There must be some form of agenda for the “establishment” to want to maintain its “story”.

A quick review of the obvious items in the world that have survived from the past reveal a wealth of information that fails to fit the “story”. We can start with the most in your face items like the pyramids or standing stones which have had countless fairy tales made up to explain them. How these had been constructed by peoples who according to the “story” had only just worked out that planting a seed and watering it would get them food beggars belief, yet we have the pyramids, the oldest of which are clearly the best. Structures we are unable to build today in even a rough form, never mind trying to match the accuracy of our ancient gardener cousins. Yet we are told that in their spare time or as slaves depending they whipped them up in a few years.

Amazing when you consider this simple fact, we as a civilisation cannot handle the weights or the positioning involved in any of these old monuments, not to mention the skills required to cut them from the virgin rock. But that’s really only the beginning, because the more you look the more you find. The earth itself gives us clues. In North America foot prints have been found, left on an ancient beach by a being wearing shoes, these are preserved in solid rock.

This is perhaps not so amazing until you examine the fossilised remains of the squashed creatures under the footprints and discover they are trilobites. The last living example of which is estimated to have died out 500,000,000 years ago. These prints are not alone, footprints have been found inside those of dinosaurs dated at 65,000,000 years ago. From South America and Mexico we have stones that have carvings of man and dinosaurs on them. Some show men fighting dinosaurs others men riding them. Maps that are 1,000’s of years old have been found that show the actual land mass coast line of Antarctica as well as having accurate longitudes and latitudes.

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