Saturday, November 28, 2009

What's wrong with people? (Part Two)

Where are the originators of these items? Who were these people that while we, according to the "story" are working out the basics of gardening are happily carving huge stones out of the mother rock and erecting them into walls and structures that have stood the test of time? The more one looks the more one finds, you realize that there is much more being ignored, discredited or hidden than reaches the light of day. Yet the little that escapes paints a very different history for our world. In fact there is very little that backs up the “story” only the dubious texts of religions and other so called books of knowledge.
The question is why is this happening? Clearly somebody is setting the rules for this cover-up and at the same time trying to keep the cover "story" intact. Who benefits? Certainly not us! What I find most disturbing is the time span. How has the "story" been maintained for so long? Why is our history being hidden from us? When you start to look you find that over hundreds, thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years we have had important information about our past systematically hidden, destroyed, ridiculed or discredited.

We have been deceived and lied to as a race for as far back as we can detect and this has been on a global scale. It has been so comprehensibly wide spread and evidenced over such a huge period of time it has to be a deliberate program. One that must be to the benefit of someone, but who? Clearly not the people in the "story". With our life spans alone it is unlikely that even an organisation or group could maintain this sort of program. What possible purpose could such a deception serve and who or what is behind it?

To say the realisation that current reality (as taught) is in effect a complete lie, is disturbing would be a massive understatement. Frankly it shook me up quite a lot. I saw that the future of my race (humanity) was not being allowed to follow its own course but was being steered and controlled almost totally.

The fact that I can write this says that total control has not yet become manifest. How long that or I last however is open for speculation. It worries me that someone or something has had a very long term plan in operation. Once you accept that you begin to see the lower end players by who benefits. It would seem that because we have been led by people who serve this plan we have until very recently remained clueless. In fact you can see in history the occasional person who has rocked the boat in some way and suffered for it.

One thing is apparent, looking at how fast we have compiled knowledge in spite of the limits imposed upon us suggests that if left to our own devices we should have been much more evolved than we are currently. Truly it seems we have amnesia. Which of course is another question, how?

Q: "What happened to us that causes us to be the only creature on the planet that kills for no reason? What makes us so aggressive?"
For answers perhaps we should look at ourselves and observe how we differ from the animals around us. One thing becomes quickly evident. Man is the only one that tortures and kills its own kind. Man is the only one that feels satisfaction in doing so and can do so for no reason other than they can. Our species suffers from a malignant aggression that I suspect has been programmed via the “story”. Mankind is a ruthless and indiscriminate killer of its own kind no matter if male, female or child.

The last century stands as grim testimony to the orgies of destruction that have been carried out without any inhibitions again and again. In fact our aggression is not reserved for our own kind but is just as senseless with any species. No other species in the animal world does this. It would appear that Man has be phylogenetically programmed with an innate instinct that only awaits a trigger. Only Man enjoys destruction. Oddly when speaking with individuals it becomes rapidly apparent that for the majority this the last thing that they would do? In fact prior to the first world war there was the largest group of prays for peace ever conducted in many countries as no wanted war. All to no avail.

This could be just an example of misguided intent and may have been manipulated to help cause the war.  If you don't have a war and pray for peace from war the chances are good you will get war. Why? Because you have asked for it. Put simply you had to have the war to get peace. In this manner I believe we have been mislead many times. (I remember well the advice "be careful what you wish for")

Apparently looking at it from the religious view if there is a God in the form proposed that god was not at all interested. This is another subject. A view point that I think holds some merit is the one that states that mankind is two primary species, let us call them (A) & (B) they are totally interbred at this point in time, one is able to work well in this world the other always feels like a stranger in a strange land. (A) has no ability to evolve to a higher level (currently and is normal for this level of development) as that is not in the (A) DNA at this point in time. (B) however can given the chance, evolve out of this density and show the way for (A) members able to see. This situation is complicated enough as you can see it would be quite easy for both types to exist within the one family due to the interbreeding. It looks like we have other more disturbing factors in the mix as well.

The next biggest group is a species all its own, possibly the result of the (A) & (B) mix or perhaps a deliberate introduction / manipulation. We can call this one (C) and they are the psychopaths. These manipulators of people are drawn to power, they are seductive, overly friendly when they want something and totally ruthless, willing to do anything to obtain what they desire. They have no conscience at all and are genuinely confused by others demonstrations of same, assuming it is just an act to gain some advantage.

An act the clever ones among them have learned and employ with expert precision. A psychopath would go to a party after the death of a child because "they had to get out of the house". They are deeply cold hearted and only fake empathy. These charmers are often found at the head of large companies and political groups, anywhere that they can wield power. These are the people (and I use the term loosely) who have no issue with sending people to their deaths or ordering the death of entire populations, after all in their world view its survival of the fittest. A view point still promoted.

We also appear to have a few subgroups living among us, some are hybrids, Alien crosses others are entirely Alien. The intentions of these groups vary from outright hatred of mankind to benign observers. There are no saviours among them. I mention this for those that think some Aliens in spaceships will come along at the last minute and save their sorry arse. Sorry that's not going to happen.

I mentioned so called books of knowledge earlier. We do have many text that offer tiny insights and valuable truths into our world and its illusions. We have also a terrible lot of corruption and misinformation planted in these books. And I am sorry but I will not accept a book as being the ultimate truth just because it says it is. The contempt we are held in is demonstrated by the very fact that is exactly what we are expected to accept.

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