Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 the year Gaia gave notice

Blizzards, droughts, earthquakes, floods, heat waves, landslides, tropical storms, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanoes.

This year like no other has given us all a reason to take notice of our world. We have experienced record highs and lows within the weather systems, the jet streams are going into places they never have before. The world trembles with volcanoes and earthquakes and the insane actions of man add to this because of the greed of those that would have their desires no matter the cost to others. It can be said that this year was the year of the one hundred year event, when the extremes had extremes, so many were reported. Some say that it is just a random coincidence, nothing to worry about, others claim it is the result of man changing the environment and in some cases it is, but they are not the cases the media focuses upon.

They (the inbred elites) still promote global warming as the cause of weather extremes, ironically including record cold and snowfall claiming it is the extra water put into the atmosphere by evaporation caused by global warming. They franticly point to any warm spell as evidence while ignoring or faking statistics to discredit any cooling trends.

This video is great as they are in total denial, unable to mention the Gulf they desperately grope for reasons for their failure to predict the cold weather that I and others could see clearly coming months ago. They did do a plug for their global warming models as apparently while they cannot predict a month ahead they can accurately predict years ahead.

The truth is, due to their own greed and corruption they missed the period of solar activity which warmed all the planets of the solar system and produced a moderate warming period. This is now abating according to astrological observations. The evidence points to cooling as the Sun enters a period of much lower activity.

Climate modellers employed by NASA, the IPCC, etc.(Climategate), all claim that their models indicate a temperature increase of 2.5°C+ due to a doubling of CO2. They predicted less snow, warmer times while the reality is the observed trend opposite of the predictions.

With the changes brought about by the stopping of the loop current in the Gulf of Mexico all bets are off, especially with regard to climate models which are twisted to suit the global warming, we need carbon tax agenda.

Blue dots show affected section of the North Atlanntic Current with the water sinking much sooner. I will point out that the massive Timor Sea oil spill of 2009 was also in that current flow.

The IPCC are claiming this year could have been the hottest recorded to date but frankly I find it hard to believe anything this organisation states as they have been shown to follow the same agenda as those who have a vested interest in introducing a carbon tax (Air Tax). I remember when it was said as a joke, they tax everything they can, pretty soon they will be taxing air and water. Well folks, it's no longer a joke, they have water under tight control and that which they cannot they are polluting, by every means at their disposal, now with the carbon (Air) tax are working on air.

The Gulf of Mexico oil discharge is one piece of human interference that will have serious global repercussions for years to come. It has resulted in the elimination of the gulf loop current which in turn has stopped the warm waters of the gulf adding to the Atlantic current which has effectively cooled Europe. Witness the early onset of winter in the United Kingdom and Europe.

Another less frequently mentioned side effect has been the disruption of the jet stream (it split into two) in the northern hemisphere which has unnaturally warmed some areas. The Russian heatwave is a result of this with its fires and other side effects such as the melting permafrost with resulting release of methane only adding to the problems. In fact this could cause global warming in the short term for some areas of the globe as methane is a incredible heat sink.

A cycle of methane releases will cause temperature spikes cumulating in a huge spike that will make some areas unliveable, the methane then dissipates and there will be a rapid cooling which will bring snow to much larger areas than now changing the albedo of the planet and heralding the start of the next ice age. This behaviour is short term and typical of the end of an interglacial period which are rapid in onset. The jet stream has also caused floods in many places with Pakistan being an example. When the jet stream does straighten out, and it will be as the arctic will push the kinks out of it, there will be some very severe storms generated.

To show just how extreme things are getting a tornado was reported in New York city as well as in other regions not usually subject to them.

Another area of unusual activity has been the worlds volcanoes with 64 surface volcanoes erupting this year. It is said there are is an average of 50 to 70 eruptions per year but these included underwater volcanoes which I have not included here.

I have seen 3 million reported with many being active and many new ones making an appearance this year. To quote another site:

"Oceanographers Hillier and Watts (2007) surveyed 201,055 submarine volcanoes. From this they concluded an astounding total of 3,477,403 submarine volcanoes must reasonably exist worldwide. They based this finding on the earlier and well-respected observations of Earth and Planetary Sciences specialist, Batiza (1982) who found that at least 4 per cent of seamounts are active volcanoes"

Volcanoes also contribute to atmospheric effects and so will add to the disruptions already in place. If there is something that can change the climate it is volcanoes, a single large volcano can add more gases to the atmosphere than humanity can manage, our input is like a small continuous volcano, so let's once and for all drop the "mankind is causing global warming" spiel. If we have too many volcanoes spewing toxins into the seas they alone will raise the acidity of the oceans to the point that life in them would become imperilled.

Earthquakes often accompany volcanoes and this year has seen large earthquakes taking place somewhere on the planet almost daily. The statistics show the most activity since 2007 which had a greater number of quakes overall 2270 verses 2062 but 2010 has had the most in the 7+ range with 22 against 2007 with 18. I again think of the Gulf of Mexico and find myself wondering if the drilling that lead to the discharge could act as a trigger for a large earthquake. I remember that the Gulf of Mexico is a complex area geographically. I also recall that the Deepwater drilling is beside a salt dome.

What happens if the integrity of the salt dome fails?

Could this lead to a great quake along the New madrid fault line? I imagine it could if the Gulf of Mexico is tectonically active. According to geologist-geophysicist Jack M. Reed who has studied the region, The Gulf of Mexico is the likely originator of seismic activity along the New Madrid line. To quote him:

"This northeast trending earthquake zone appears to connect with the northeast trending Monroe Uplift, the LaSalle Arch and, possibly, to an active seismic zone located in and around Sabine Lake on the Texas-Louisiana border. This entire zone through the United States is suffering some type of tectonic activity that I believe is tied to the deeply buried tectonics in the Gulf of Mexico. And the inbreds have had BP messing with those same deeply buried tectonics.

In a study conducted by the University of Illinois, it is projected that a 7.7-magnitude earthquake along the New Madrid fault would leave 3,500 people dead, more than 80,000 injured and more than 7 million homeless. What if it's bigger? Some suggest that should the Gulf floor erupt due to the interference of BP the entire Madrid fault line could open up empting the great lakes into the gulf. Especially as they have been fracking the entire region, destroying natural water reserves and fracturing the rock. What a way ot prepare an area for destruction while at the same time forcing people to buy water supplied by them as the natural wells have been polluted by their actions. It could split the country in two, from the Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico along the Reelfoot Rift. I have no need to expand on what the results of that would be.

Topographic image of the Reelfoot Rift and the New Madrid Seismic Zone

You may think I am being alarmist but I think I am being conservative. I had another disturbing thought, what if it is all deliberate, if the stopping of the loop current was just a bonus in a much bigger plan designed to cripple the greatest free nation in our civilization? The inbreds have by lies, merciless deception, and murderous actions taken over much of the institutions of the United States in the same manner as they did Europe but should they ever be exposed enough people within the US remain free enough to cause them harm.  As I considered this I realised that if it is their plan then there would be other signs because they would look after themselves as the highest priority and Europe would become unpleasantly cold, so all of the inbred families would be looking to relocate.

It was then I remembered Denver airport and surrounds with all its mysterious underground features and nearby properties which were being purchased by those very same inbred families. Denver is on high ground well clear of the New Madrid fault and the Reelfoot Rift. I recall also hearing a rumor that there has been a steady movement of government from Washington to Denver as well. The more I consider it the more it fits. Suddenly the fact that the inbreds still have four, one million dollar a day rigs doing something in the region of the Deepwater well becomes darkly disturbing.

What if the ultimate plan is to trigger a massive earth movement in the Gulf? One so vast it sinks the Reelfoot Rift opening a channel from the Gulf to the Great lakes or beyond? The disruption to the United States would be massive, game changing, most of the east coast would be affected to varying degrees. An earth movement of this scale could well trigger other earth movements around the globe. The damage and loss of life would be tremendous. The west coast would also be affected but perhaps not in the ways envisaged. It is quite possible a rise may take place there rather than sinking. Either way the country would be stunned and the inbreds would seize the opportunity to take over.

This whole line of thought has depressed me somewhat as I do not like to be a predictor of doom and gloom. On the other hand I would rather say what I am thinking and perhaps in so doing prevent or hinder the result or help someone else, rather than to say nothing and watch it happen. These inbreds are parasites upon all humanity and should be given the same treatment they bestow on others.

We now hear of changes being detected in the Earth's core, the Suns behaviours and the very space our world is travelling in. I think change when it comes regarding our climate will be sudden. We do indeed live in interesting times.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

On behalf of all Elites

We'd like to thank you. Because you make it easy for us and we know you'll never win the lottery. We control that and know exactly who will, in fact we control all money.

On the other hand, it's a sure bet that you'll slave away at some miserable job your entire life. That's because you were born into the wrong social faction, you're a member of the paid slaves. Live with it, we are certainly happy about it!

You don't have the education, connections, or callous disregard for you fellows to ever become one of us. In fact, you'd need a book the size of small bus to list all the ridiculously unfair advantages we have over you. That's why we're so relieved to know that you still continue to believe all those clever fairy tales about justice, equal rights and opportunity that we have told you over the centuries.

Of course, in our hierarchical system, there's never much room at the top. and as it's already occupied by us, we intend to keep it that way. But at least we do provide you with someone lower in the social hierarchy so that you can feel superior. It helps us maintain control to by fostering envy and greed. Even a lowly politician can easily find some poor paid slave further down ladder to sneer and make fun of. So be grateful for all the unemployed, migrant workers, prostitutes, and homeless people we create. They let you get to feel superior, we understand this need.

We cannot allow everyone like you to be economically secure and socially privileged, who would do all those boring, dangerous, low-paid jobs for us? And who would go to fight our wars so that we can cash in on demolition and rebuilding projects? Who would blindly follow orders in our totalitarian corporate institutions? Not to mention going meekly go to your grave without having been able to live a full and creative life. We are truly grateful you are all so blind!

You don't have the same greedy, compulsive drive to possess wealth and power, to own and control that we have. We know you don't! We have studied you for centuries, you have those weird things you call feelings. We know there not true as none of us have ever had any! But some of you have tricked us with them in the past and we have learned.
You go through life mechanically playing your assigned social role, parroting the latest story we decide to give you, kept in line by your fellow paid slaves! We don't have to do a thing! Just top up the story and offer the odd distraction to keep you happy.

Of course we play you off against each other whenever it suits our purposes, black against white, male against female, old against young, we point out your differences at every turn. We continually lower your wages by every means we can think of and sometimes just because we can. We also tax everything, true you are dodging the air tax but we will get it, we just need to name it right and find the right motivation. We really left the Global warming / Carbon tax run a little late and some of you started to notice it was getting cooler. If too many of you ever do start to think we make you unemployed in a depression or stock market grab, if you step out of line or jeopardize our profits we ensure an appropriate war, disaster or illness befalls you.

We are generous though and let you believe that you have free elections and we allow you to participate in them. We ensure you have a good choice of our choice of yes men to vote into office. we still choose the winner mind, but you have fun playing. We also let you donate to us, we do so like that. Fortunately for us you haven't the slightest idea about what is actually happening, you blame yourselves or fate or some other ethnic group or religion, our choice again of course, really helps us get the cannon fodder we need for wars.

We have been very, very pleased with how well you accepted money and interest scams. Many of us did not think you would be that easily fooled. Happily we were wrong. Also it is so fantastic that you still embrace the work ethic so well even though your paid slaves. Of course you don't know that either. But we certainly won't work as most jobs are toxic to health and damage the environment. Not that we care that much for your health or the environment were you are. As we obviously don't know much about work, we're sure happy you do it all for us!

It's true, life could be different. Society could be organized fairly to meet the actual needs of the population. But that would not fit with our program of survival of the fittest which we clearly are as we have shown by our ruthless, uncaring actions. You could collectively refuse to accept our domination, but you won't because you don't even know that you work for us. Isn't that sweet! Even as we tell you, you will deny it to yourself. In fact we have programmed you so well you can't even comprehend another way of life. That is the greatest, most significant achievement of our system, robbing you of your ability to imagine, to be creative, even taking your choice by making it for you while letting you think you made it yourself!

So on behalf of all Elites everywhere we'd like to thank you from the bottom of our totally heartless souls. Your endless sacrifice makes our life of extreme luxury and freedom to do as we please possible; your unquestioning obedience makes our system work. It's good for us you know your place and keep it! Thank you. Now get back to work!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Attack on Gaia - (Expands)

As I have said before, I found the date of the Deepwater horizon incident disturbing in the light of previous events in the USA. Astrology has played a pivotal role in that country from the beginning and when events start following a pattern it is time to pay attention.

On the 20th April 1985 the ATF launched an operation against an organisation called "The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA)" a one day siege. It seems the actions of this group were tolerated until they supposedly attempted to blow up a natural gas pipeline in April 1985. What little information is available appears to be conflicted.
On the 19th April 1993 the Waco Siege ends in a massacre after 51 days. This was a highly controversial event.

Alfred P. Murrah federal building 

On the 19th April 1995 the Oklahoma City Bombings took place. An event that has not been fully explained with damages done in excess of the proposed methods employed to create them. Many other inconsistencies. US military have been implicated in the last two events.

Also on the19th April 1995 Richard W. Snell a CSA member was executed by lethal injection.

On the 20th April 2010 an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon. triggers the largest discharge of oil into american waters ever recorded.  The rig sank on 22nd April, a date with its own meaning, 22 is also a special number as is 11 which happens to be the number of missing persons from this disaster.

The devastating effects upon the Gulf are not to be ignored but as this event has progressed one cannot help speculate that this was just a means to an even more disastrous end.  If the discharge is / was deliberate then it becomes apparent that perhaps the oil contamination of the Gulf is only a side issue, collateral damage in a much bigger scheme. If that is so then the question is what could that scheme be.

Why dump so much oil into the Gulf? It seems unreasonable to assume that it was just to poison the fish. Other suggestions have been to create a biological soup for the cultivation of some nano-bacterium. Very possible indeed and there is evidence to suggest it has happened. (Synthia) But I have another worrying thought. Let me introduce you to a little fluid dynamics. Something that is well known in science circles but not so commonly known to the public at large, oil affects the boundary layers between warm water flows thus effectively destroying a currents vorticity.

Now let us imagine that a Faction had a stated desire to say reduce the population of the Earth by a given percentage. Let us also assume that this faction is well funded and has access to virtually unlimited resources to pursue its ends. Lets us also imagine that they have found various ways to achieve this.

Let me remind you of a lesson I learned about the way the world works and one of the rules that must be followed by those that wish to control. It is this, they must tell you what they are going to do!

In 2004 a movie was released called The Day After Tomorrow. In this movie the Gulf Stream stalled (that part of the thermohaline circulation that delivers warm waters to Europe and primarily England) causing temperatures to fall in a very short time. This film was based on real science, the film showed the audience how the Gulf Stream transports warm water from the equatorial regions of the Earth, along American’s Eastern seaboard and then across the Atlantic to Northern Europe.

It has been speculated that if such a thing was to happen easily two thirds of the world's population could die as a direct result. Of course when altering global systems the results are likely to be serious and unpredictable so there could be more or less depending upon what variables come into play.

Let us return our attention to the Gulf of Mexico. It would be reasonable to assume that if they wished to stop the loop current in the Gulf of Mexico and through it the Atlantic current they would need a considerable amount of oil dissolved into the water column in just the right location. This faction would have the resources to know how much oil it will need to put into the water to stop the loop current in the Gulf.

However they would also be aware that just having that vast quantity of oil released into the Gulf would not be enough on its own due to oils behaviour when released in water. It floats on the surface. What would be needed is a way to blend the oil into the water column in the quantities required. It would need to be away from prying eyes so as not to raise to many suspicions. It would also need a deep release to ensure the blended oil could penetrate all levels of the water column. Is this starting to sound familiar?

It sounds just like whats happened in the Gulf of Mexico with the massive volume of oil released under high pressure, at depth and blended directly at the well head with Corexit. A well tested dispersant whose manufacture is controlled by the faction. It is likely to have included a biological agent in its payload as part of the plan to ensure rapid mixing. Did they succeed? On the face of it it appears so, in fact evidence suggests that oil and gas continues to leak from fissures and fractures across the Gulf seabed. So here we are today and we can see the results of this ambitious plan having their effect upon global weather systems.

The Gulf loop current has stalled. Not only that but we have evidence that the Atlantic current has shut down. This is just like the movie, with the Atlantic current stalled temperatures are plunging in Europe.

While the speed of this is not quite at the pace of the movie the potentials are the same, only the time factor may vary. We can look to the past to find examples of what has happened before when these currents have stalled. Paleoclimatological evidence shows that disruption of the thermohaline circulation has happened before.

Deep ocean sediments dating from the last Ice Age (11,000 to 13,000 year ago. A time period that has recurring significance), suggest that the fresh water run-off from melting ice masses decreased sea water density sufficiently to cause a breakdown of ocean overturning. What followed was a European winter 10 degrees Celsius below normal and cold spells that lasted for hundreds of years.

Comparable cooling could be expected today with a shut-down in thermohaline circulation. For London, this could mean a climate similar to that now experienced by the Arctic island of Spitzbergen.

The timing of the event has been near to perfect if results are to be judged. Indeed it seems that they have aligned perfectly with a predicted solar decline in overall solar activity which on its own could signify the onset of an ice age.

2.7 million years ago the Earth's climate was very stable, we could speculate as to what happened to change it and I would suggest that Velikovsky's proposals could well have been the cause. We know from the records we have that starting about 1 million years ago cycles of ice ages lasting approximately 100,000 years and separated by relatively short interglacial periods were the normal state of the Earths climate. We are said to be in one of those interglacial periods now.

I am concerned that a faction, being aware of the factors outlined here has moved to take advantage of the changing world climate by enhancing the effects in an attempt to try and reduce the world's population to the desired number of slaves the elite feels it can safely manage. If one factors in the ill effects of Chemtrails, Vaccines, Fluoride, poor nutrition and GM foods  the situation is dire, people who are not fit die easier in adverse conditions. One thing that seems certain, the repercussions of this particular "accident" are a slow moving global catastrophe that  has moved beyond our ability to contain.

[Continues]           [Previous on this topic]

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Zeitgeist Addendum

Peter Joseph's first movie Zeitgeist The Movie which I highly recommend. (follow the link to watch). Presents the viewer with the harsh reality of our existance trapped in this loop of oppression and explains how we got here.

The second movie displayed above is a definate must see, most will already be aware of many of the points made here. Peter explains the trap / program / matrix that holds us in a clear and easy to follow manner. Better yet he proposes a way out. The choice is yours.

Zeitgeist Film Series as a whole has a dedicated social intent to create awareness about the world we share, the problems we face, along with what we can do to make it better as a collective species.

Sharing this movie is not only encouraged, it is vital.

Download the texts from:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Attack on Gaia (revisited)

The Gulf of Mexico has featured here a couple of times, the first time in July when I mentioned it as a follow on from the Timor spill which affected 78,000 square kilometres of the Timor sea and took 74 days to stop. While I had not written about the Timor incident I had monitored it. These two spills have a lot in common, fire on rig, uncontrolled and massive oil spills, Corexit used as a dispersant, fish kills and human deaths. These spills, and I do not like the term "spill" as it suggests a smaller event such as one would expect from a spill of milk, nothing to serious, except that these are very serious. I think I will use the term discharge from this point on.

West Atlas oil rig fire - Timor Sea
These discharges are far from uncommon. In fact when one starts to look you discover what appears to be a pattern of discharges happening at an increasing rate globally, not including the disturbingly long running discharges in Nigeria which are said to have begun 50 years ago and continues unabated to this day.

Many people from all over the world have taken an interest in the Gulf of Mexico situation, its position in relation to the United States has ensured a higher than average media coverage. Thus ensuring a greater clean up effort than would have otherwise ensued. I have posted extracts of a series of posts from a forum on the subject after reading about the thread in Nexus magazine. As it turns out the threads originator appears to be a person known for their fondness of deceptions based around real events. I admit that the information provided by the OP (as a thread originator is called on this forum) was intriguing to say the least. I for one was taken in initially. But none of the OP's posts could be either proved or disproved and in that regard were in effect useless, it was this consistent failure while still maintaining a hint of real events that made me suspect some other agenda was in play. The posts were undeniably well crafted and focused on enhancing fear and panic in the minds of the reader, what the ultimate intent was behind this I cannot say.

However they did serve as a catalyst for posters to work around and the situation in the Gulf was and is clearly so dire that persons are attracted to the thread for information about the situation there. Posters on this thread have proved to be for the greater part, honest concerned folks trying to shed light on a desperate situation. To this end no avenue of thought has been rejected and a great deal of viable information has been unearthed and brought into thread for discussion and further enquiry. In fact they became so good at this and so focused upon the situation that it remained on track despite concerted efforts to derail it back to a fear focus. Even the OP's eventual self outing failed to have any significant effect. This thread is still attempting to explore the evolving situation in the Gulf as well as keeping a wary eye upon other events that are related by the fact that the Gulf is a globally significant issue. I do not believe it was an accident because of the day the rig sank, 22nd April. To many significant events have occurred on that date in the United States and I am not fond of coincidences.

This is a global problem that is just beginning, even more disturbing, I believe it is just part of a much bigger program.

For example the following is a far from complete list of oil discharges recorded so far this year:
Chishui River, China. 5th January - 130 tons
Port Arthur, Texas, USA. 23rd January - 1,500 tons
Nigeria Delta, Nigeria. 1st May - 95,500 tons
Anchorage, Alaska. USA. 25th May - 1,200 tons
Singapore Straight, Singapore. 25th May - 2,500 tons
Red Sea, Egypt. 16th June - Unknown tons
Jebel At-Zayt, Red Sea, Egypt. 16th June - Unknown tons
Xigang Port, Yellow Sea, China. 16th July - 90,000 tons
Kalamazoo River, Mich. USA. 26th July - 3,250 tons
Mumbai, Arabian Sea, India. 7th August - 400 tons
Deepwater Horizon, Gulf of Mexico, United States. 22nd April - 585,000 tons+

It is also true that generally the above quantities are not exact because actual volume of an oil is difficult to measure precisely. As a guide a median of 0.858 for the specific gravity of light crude oil. One ton = to 308 US gallons or 256 Imperial gallons or 1,165 litres or 7.33 barrels. - 1 barrel = 35 Imperial or 42 US Gallons. Safe to say based on previous examples the quantities discharged are often understated to varying degrees.
While these are significant quantities of oil the real difference between these and others from the previous decades is the use of the dispersant Corexit. This dispersant is extremely toxic in its own right and its continued use is puzzling when a virtually nontoxic alternative is available known as JD-2000. When tested 130 parts per million of Corexit produced a 50% mortality rate in small fish. JD-2000 with greater than 5,600 parts per million could only achieve a mortality rate of 20%. Researchers could not get a 50% mortality rate when testing with this product.

And yet they persist in using Corexit? This suggests that there is an alternative reason for this preference and one suggestion is that it is being used as a medium to introduce a bacterium into the Gulf environment. Everything points to this bacterium being an artificially created bacterium called "SYNTHIA" belonging to the same group responsible for the oil discharges. This piece of genetic manipulation is about as nasty as you can get when viewed from the perspective of a carbon based life form. It has the ability to replicate itself and organically function in any cell it is able to introduce itself to. Survive in the most extreme of conditions. It is the first as far as I am aware self-replicating synthetic bacterial cell. It has been provided with the capability to resist antibiotics. It is a hydrocarbon eating bacterium.

So what we have is a synthetic biological agent, should I say weapon? That has been released in the Gulf. It is able to survive in a host of extreme environments, resist antibiotics and adapt to different cells it encounters. Its primary food source is hydrogen and carbon. As virtually all life is based on carbon this is possibly the most irrationally stupid manoeuvrer the psychopaths that run these industries have pulled to date. Unless...

They planned it from the beginning. It would take time for this bacterium to adapt to everything it encounters in the Gulf, its primary food source will be oil but once that has become scarce what then? There are already indicators from the Gulf that both people and wildlife are being infected and dying from exposure to a hereto unknown and destructive bacterium. What a perfect place to incubate a global contaminant.

But surely they would not risk themselves? And you would be right as it seems those releasing the bacterium have recently established a company that creates vaccines. I expect that only those with the right connections will be in the loop for that service.

It is apparent to me that these people do not work from the perspective of the betterment of life for all, but rather they have the view that they are the chosen elite and the rest of us are expendable. In fact they fear our numbers for a couple of reasons. One being it is difficult to control such large numbers and the figure of 500,000,000 has been mentioned many times in the last 20 years as being the optimal number for total control. Another reason is that as the mass of humanity grows so too does the potential for the mass consciousness to evolve.

This they fear most of all as once that happens all their plans and schemes become worthless as fear would no longer be a tool that worked. If viewed from the perspective of population reduction the motivations and lack of concern for the way things are conducted makes a lot more sense. Also you can see that oil discharges would not be considered such a big deal as the following indicates.

Larger oil discharges of the last 100 years:
Greenpoint, Brooklyn, New York, USA. 1940 / 50s - 97,000 tons
Torry Canyon, Isles of Scilly, United Kingdom. 1967 - 119,000 tons
Sea Star, Gulf of Oman. 1972 - 115,000 tons
Urquiola, A Coruna, Spain. 1976 - 100,000 tons
Amoco Cadiz, Brittany, France. 1978 - 223,000 tons
Atlantic Princess, Trinidad and Tobago, 1979 - 287,000
Irenes Serenade, Pylos, Greece. 1980 - 100,000 tons
Ixtox I, Gulf of Mexico, Mexico. 1979/80 - 287,000 tons
Castillo de Beliver, Saldanha Bay, South Africa. 1983 - 252,000 tons
Nowruz Field Platform, Persian Gulf, Iran 1983 - 260,00 tons
Odyssey, 1,300km/810ml, Nova Scotia, Canada. 1988. - 132,000 tons

At this point things really pick up due to war in the middle east. I wonder if Saddam really did just cut all the oil loose in spite? He was a long term asset of the west and somehow one cannot help wonder if there was more to it.

Mt Haven, Mediterranean Sea near Genoa, Italy. 1991 - 144,00 tons
Kuwait oil fires, Kuwait. 1991 - 205,000,000 tons
Kuwait oil lakes, Kuwait. 1991 - 6,818,000 tons
Gulf war oil spill, Persian Gulf, Kuwait & Iraq. - 1,091,000 tons

As you can see the earth's oceans have been and are being poisoned at an incredible rate. There does not appear to be a place on the planet that is free from this assault. Indeed the situation is little different on land.

I do not have to tell you what the consequences would be should we lose the oceans. You don't know? Maybe no have fish for dinner? Well it's more simple than that. If everything on land were to die tomorrow, the ocean wouldn't even notice, but if everything in the ocean were to die tomorrow, everything on land would also die. Thats what is at stake. Some will say that these are all just accidents and that we should accept this as unfortunate. I say if that's the case then we need to stop doing this right now because if this is the best we can do then we need to learn a whole lot more because we cannot afford to take any more chances. I would also like to make the observation that if this is an example of human engineering and best practice then what the hell goes on with nuclear reactors?

I have watched events in the Gulf of Mexico unfold with a growing sense of sadness for the creatures and admiration for the people that live in this region. The fouling of the waters, the illness and deaths of the animals and people.

The livelihoods that are decimated. All to suit another's agenda. I am pleased that people have not responded with violence and I see that as a sign of growing awareness. Rest assured the powers that try to be would like violence very much, as then they could implement tighter controls.

Now they say it's all capped and everything is fine. Heck even all the oil is gone and it's safe to eat the seafood. I don't believe a word of it. I am not even certain the live feeds were live or even of the right well. I have seen supposed live feeds that were 15 second loops even as the time on the clock rolled on as usual. Recently the BBC Horizon show screened Deepwater Disaster The Untold Story. In this main stream, perfectly reasonable explanation of the event there were omissions regarding the locations choice and cautious puzzlement by some experienced experts at the 3 weeks delay in implementing the solution that is said to have closed the well. This delay came from the very top of the organisation and is not explained. It was also claimed that they had wanted to collect all the oil yet in virtually the same sentence they state that they needed to pump dispersant into the leak at its exit point to disperse the oil into the water column. Good thing there is an oil surplus despite all the discharges or we would be seeing a price hike to pay for the cleanup and the loss of the rig. Oh wait we are.

One parting thought, the bed of the Gulf has had over 42,000 holes drilled into it. It is geologically frail with a large area of methane under pressure, said to be 100,000 psi backed by volcanism. The oil reserve under it is said to be one of, if not the biggest on the planet. An artery if you will. What if all the discharges have taken place because they cannot cap the well as the gases and oils leaking into the upper strata would escalate and blow the top of the whole basin?

That would have serious long term repercussions for the world. Those near the area would only be troubled briefly as the scale of the event would ensure an early return to the spirit due to an explosion comparable to Mt. St. Helens only underwater. It will create a cloud of death and no doubt a tsunami travelling at up to 600 mph. This would sink all vessels and destroy coastal communities around the area as well as drive hazardous materials including the oil well inland.

I hope that this does not happen but I see that if we persist in allowing the uncaring to continue down their chosen path....

[Continues]    [Previous]

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Beautiful Voices

In line with the statement that I would share some of the music in my world here is a selection of tracks from the Beautiful Voices Collection created by MDB.

MDB is a radio DJ with a special ear for music, he has over time compiled 50 cd's in the Beautiful Voices Series and all of them are outstanding compositions.

This sample which I have compiled for my friends will give some idea of the quality of this collection.
Covers included.
Pass = mudsworld  

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Beyond Time

Beyond times veiled frontier
 Where borders blur by unknown thoughts
  There is the faceless girl I sought.
I see her hair the colour of sky's deepest night
 Talking to flowers by ancient stones
  Of memories hidden with time and in bones.
She tells the wind her story as above in space
 Clouds gather silently to listen.
  Molten, her lips move with words of beauty and glisten. 
She strolls, hands pocketed in a magenta gown.
 Where the ocean beats its rhythmic thunder
  Against grainy shores of sand asunder.

While upon this shoreline, her faint footprints,
 Signatures of perfection embarrass time with their fleeting nature
  She listens and hears, the oceans ageless song of nurture.  
She scoops sand with her sun tanned hands 
 Which as in an hourglass the particles went
  Grains like days echoes quickly spent. 

Windblown hair backed by deep blue sky
 Kindling the presence of unknown yearning
  The heartfelt dance, life's power stirring.
Hope-stirred eyes turn to the sky
 As darkness kisses days murmured rush from sight
  A sleepless moon hides pin-pricks of light.

She dances within an illusion of time
 Knowing there is something she seeks
  That hides from her and so she weeps.

Was this just a fragment of my mind?
 Am I blind to feel this way?
  23 footsteps away, it is another day.



Monday, September 27, 2010

What if?

One of the most disturbing things I have observed being an avid reader is that a significant number of books written as fiction have over the course of time become reality. This has been particularly true of the Science fiction stories I am fond of.

It has been suggested that these authors have somehow looked into the future and written about what they have seen. Jules Verne is an obvious example of this. H. G. Wells, Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov and Arthur C Clarke are also candidates.

If you approached these authors and asked them they would deny that they had ever looked into the future in some mystical way. I am inclined to believe them. Others suggest that they are just sensing the coming world and incorporating information about it at a subconscious level into their works. This is quite possible and cannot be discounted but I can think of another possibility, one that frankly scares the hell out of me as the more I have considered it the more likely it has become.

It occurred to me that these stories are actually the seeds that created the reality via being read by masses of people. Like a collective memory that creates the reality based on the number of people that see and understood it. Shades of the 100 monkeys principle. The how it works is not clear to me but the ideas are there in the stories. Jules Verne gave us a few clear examples. The Submarine and the Aqualung being prime examples. The idea was presented and once enough minds read and believed it was possible the devices came into existence via innovation and invention.

This puts a completely new perspective on events in our history. the more you look the more match ups you discover. I would not be at all surprised if some items from Science fiction have come into existence without the general population being aware of it.

Imagine if what I suggest is true. What if a certain group of individuals were fully aware of this and used it to steer humanity down certain paths to suit their agendas. It helps make sense of nearly always negative news and religious programming as these could be used to help create the desired collective reality. With the advent of more media such as radio and television options and the opportunities to manipulate the masses becomes even more persuasive.

I believe that the written word is the most powerful form however as it forces visualisation. I see the ability to visualise as a key component in this creation process.

Could it be that simple?

Well yes and no. I think that the creation process happens as I speculate but there is more to it. I think that we all are travelling in time riding the energy waves that surround us. If an idea is triggered at the start of a energy cycle or wave when it's outcome is likely to be more successful than if we miss the wave so to speak. I can see this principle working for individual, groups or nations.

It is certainly worth considering.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Attack on Gaia (continues)

I have been distracted of late and have been even less productive than normal. I would have thought that impossible but it seems I can manage it.  Well I hope the fog clears soon.

One of the things that has distracted me is the ongoing Gulf of Mexico disaster. I have seen many reports of people who, foolishly have swam in the Gulfs waters only to be rewarded with outbreaks of festering sores and rashes.

Also there are reports of oil plumes in the Gulf and heading for the Atlantic coast of Florida. The forum thread I posted about in my last blog entry has continued and has grown more disturbing with each passing day.

Following are the last few posts made by the threads originator:

18/9/2010 10:45 AM Good Day, this will be my last day of posting on this thread here. I Will post again after the 13th of October. Depending on time constrains and docking orders I will only have access to My GirlFriend and DED again anywhere from the 15th Of October. My company detail is being redeployed, for only a month at sea, starting Monday the 20th of September. All eyes are on China, Japan, India, Pakistan, the Gulf of Mexico and the Falklands. Iran is a non issue. My company is going out to sea. Usually our detail ship out for at least 6 months at a time. This time however we are Being called up for ONLY A MONTH and a few days more. Other Nations are sharing the same briefing and Naval deployment orders. Britain, France, Russia and the US Navy are sharing the same Immediate deployment dates for the same duration in Burst. As this is my last available day, until between the 13th an 15th of OctoBer, : I Will answer direct questions. My answers will be as forthcoming as possible and is or are allowed. Post you questions now please.

18/9/2010 10:58 AM The four theater you speak of. do they all have to do will oil related things or do they include other areas of concern such as war.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368

All of the current four theaters involve the intelligent oil. According to transcripts, more theaters are possible and expected, especially on or near the 33rd, 23rd an and 21st parallel. All Odessa assets are actively looking for new splashzones:

18/9/2010 11:13 AM Most people seemed to be the most concerned about the health effect of the oil spill and the organism released either by the powers that be or from a natural source.
Any updates. health threats etc.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368

Enter Proximity of Oil At Own Risk. The organism is gaining in intelligence, adapting and even using and incorporating our technology(nano).It has come out of hibernation and is preparing the way and transforming the Oceans. It is not concerned by our(human) health. It has survived for millennia. We humans wont. The organism has the ability and swarmed intelligence to exploit all our diseases and virus related illnesses. It can interact with any bacteria, virus or fungus.

18/9/2010 11:23 AM By splash zones are you talking about other areas where deep sea oil releases are being created by natural events ie earth changes
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368

Spashzones are where the intelligent oil(the organism part) reaches the ocean surface. When it reaches the surface it can directly receive the incoming cosmic signals for further growth and instructions. Because of the dispersant and calibrators the intelligent oil is now connecting with other submerged intelligent oil forming a conductor and conveyer. It then works in concert, searching for areas/places to escape to the surface.

18/9/2010 11:35 11:35 AM Did BP cause the fracturing of the sea floor or did the current climate and earth changes fracture the sea floor and create problems for the Oil rig and diaster.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368

BP did not cause the fracturing. They just enhanced its channeling and highway to the surface. The fractures are normal stress zones in reply to the growth/compression of the organism awaking, growing and expanding beneath the crust and releasing its own cleaning solution. (substances within the organism)

18/9/2010 11:40 AM why so many ships for the pirates?
doesnt make since to me must be some other reason do you know of any?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 947925

It fits in with the sudden deployment(Burst) of Naval call ups.

18/9/2010 11:48 AM Thanks OP. don't know where everyone is at. But those are about it for my questions.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368

tout le plaisir est pour moi

18/9/2010 11:52 AM Thanks OP. God keep your company safe!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1067366

je vous en prie

18/9/2010 12:09 PM you said deepwater horizon was delibratly sabotaged. who was responsible,and was it to prevent int/oil release or to facilitate int/oil release?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102439

The Crown wanted to speed up and cause an international incident. They were hoping to cause elections in England to be postponed thereby keeping Brown in power. They also planned (or so they thought) that this crises will bolster support for White House Officials (WHO) and Obama. Martial Law, Forced Vaccinations and the stealth implanting of RIFD chips. They utterly misjudged the intelligence(morphing capability) of the organism and the strength and support of a faction within the US Navy.
18/9/2010 12:49 PM OP
What is OMEGA and B3 ???
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102432

OMEGA is both a plan and a device. OMEGA is a Master Key device(massive EMP protected transmitter aboard a surface vessel) to detonate a synchronized set of planted(drilled an placed)low yield nuclear devices specifically designed to fuse(close) splashzones originating directly from the crust and below the seabed with minimal radiation and upward blast force to minimize tsunami effect estimates. Some devices can also be activated by specially air dropped torpedo's targeting pre placed buoys in synchronicity. The torpedo circles the buoy until its activated to target it. The US Navy only recently offered the special software needed to setup these torpedoes. Whoever controls the OMEGA vessel also controls the Master Key and timing of it. Although OMEGA(the transmitter itself) is EMP protected, transcripts on DED have shown that the new kind/type of incoming cosmic photon and other rays are severely effecting the instrument causing instability.

B3 is a biohazard containment cargo bay on newer launched submarines. (some submarines use another name for that type of cargo bay)

18/9/2010 1:21 PM Are extraterrestrial factors involved, and if so, what?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1087173

Yes. However, although the organism itself is primordial to our existence its been programmed to lay and wait(hibernate) and to AWAKE at a certain time of our solar time and position by an extraterrestrial presence/race soon before their return. We unfortunately do not know how near "soon" is. "Soon" could be anything from moths to years. In simplistic terms we speculate the organism is preparing the oceans, climate and geological setup of the earth to become more "visitor" friendly for the returning masters who programmed and created/breaded this organism in the first place. Some have used the term "terra forming". That term fits in with our speculation and understanding of what is happening with our planet.

18/9/2010 1:52 PM Most people seemed to be the most concerned about the health effect of the oil spill and the organism released either by the powers that be or from a natural source.
Any updates. health threats etc.
Enter Proximity of Oil At Own Risk. The organism is gaining in intelligence, adapting and even using and incorporating our technology(nano).It has come out of hibernation and is preparing the way and transforming the Oceans. It is not concerned by our(human) health. It has survived for millennia. We humans wont. The organism has the ability and swarmed intelligence to exploit all our diseases and virus related illnesses. It can interact with any bacteria, virus or fungus.
you have partially answered my question OP.I take it that the organism will travel in the air and the water depending on the characteristics it takes on.
Quoting: childoflight

Early in the transcripts and on this thread clues were given that the organism is not capable of aerosolizing on its own. Its is however speculated that it can interact and aerosolize with bacteria and other airborne viruses/organisms on a basic DNA structure and command.

18/9/2010 2:22 PM I'm try to word this correctly so here goes: What would you do if you were us, receiving this information?
Quoting: Gabriel

There are many views and opinions. Most say OMEGA is the quickest option but some say we should wait and see what really happens when "they" come. Some say we should wait and see if the organism is really a threat to all life.

Some speculate other races will help and intervene. So far I haven't seen or heard about it. If earths climate turns to a deep freeze we as humans have the ability to adapt as long as there is Water. Water is the key. If it turns earth into another Mars we lost.

I don't think the organism is purposefully trying to kill all life on the planet. Its' only trying to make things more habitable for its masters. I Don't think anybody or any of the factions know what is going to happen ultimately. Maybe China has the answer. Some just say say it's time to go within...

18/9/2010 2:31 PM Question?
What can you tell us about 'incoming'? Is it being affected by something from space? Is something coming from space? What do you know about the origins of the organism?
Quoting: nexuseditor

I Believe I've answered that question, but yes something is coming from space. Hubble has been turned to earth to search for splashzones and to try and triangulate. For some reason or the other the current weather and military satellites are not able to provide that specific functionality anymore. Something is interfering with their array just like with the OMEGA transmitter.

The Vatican are also introducing filters at all their observatories, either to block or pin point.

18/9/2010 2:43 PM I'm on duty in less than two hours(night shift). I have to prepare or otherwise I will get catsniped.

Take care

The OP


The OP's command of english varies to a disturbing degree across posts as do the spelling and grammer, I am not certain if it is a deliberate action on their part that is occasionally relaxed or if there is a more disturbing reason. Also the ID 1011531 has been identified with Ozicell an Australian poster and the OP via this post: 30/6/2010 5:59 PM Ok, as a backup please be making a note of these two words. The connection between them can be used to identify me as OP or my follow-up if I lose my ID or get banned or get compromised in the few weeks or even days we have left. liturgical  anacoluthon. Which some have worked out is acolyte, a name which has some notoriety in the forum.  For now I am watching and waiting as events unfold.

[Continued]    [Previous]

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Attack on Gaia (Update)

Gulf of Mexico update. Things in that region are just getting weirder. Apart from the strange "coincidental" date of the incident (19th / 20th April) A date that has often been the one somehow chosen for significant events in the United States.

I remember when the Gulf incident was first reported that there were questions about foreign ships in the region and possible sabotage. A lot of speculation at the time but nothing came of it, or at least that's what I thought.

I was unaware of the following posts which have a curious connection with this speculation, I learned of them from Nexus magazine and they started on the main page of the Godlike Productions forum on the 26th June 2010. I have here the posts made by the threads originator plus a few from others that struck me as collaborative. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the posts but find them both curiously compelling and downright scary in nature.

Many have contributed to trying to understand what is going on here and some brilliant ideas have been presented, amazing information uncovered and I compliment the serious contributions made by many.  Apart from the head in the sand crew this is a thinkers thread if ever there was one.

Even if you find the content that follows unbelievable their efforts make reading the thread an informative journey I recommend visiting and having a look.

And now to begin:

The following were posts made by: Anonymous Coward - User ID: 1011531 - France who is the originator of the thread.

Thread Title: Something Just Went BEZERK in the Gulf of Mexico. The US Navy just sunk a French Submarine
26/6/2010 10:58 AM My girl friend has a D.E.D link on her laptop from the French Embassy. (She works at the embassy)
Crazy traffic on DED

26/6/2010 11:09 AM Something like 10% of the worlds submarines are gathered in the Gulf of Mexico. What the fuck are they all doing there or rather what the fuck are they looking for? DED shows 12 US, 2 French, 3 British, 2 Russian, 1 Canadian, 3 German, 1 Israeli and 2 Unknown submarines
26/6/2010 11:18 AM "WTF would a french fry sub be doing in the gulf???????????????" Quoting: Anonymous Coward 879039

Two days ago I posted that they sent a French Research ship there.

26/6/2010 11:25 AM "Something like 10% of the worlds submarines are gathered in the Gulf of Mexico. What the fuck are they all doing there or rather what the fuck are they looking for? DED shows 12 US, 2 French, 3 British, 2 Russian, 1 Canadian, 3 German, 1 Israeli and 2 Unknown submarines
OP, just the number of shills on this thread tells us this just might be for real.

1. Look OP, be careful. They don't mess around.
2. Who can blame any country for not investigating this sabotage? This is destroying the whole Atlantic and this is international water, per BP. Screw BP, they are letting it go on and on. Well perhaps the International Community said ENOUGH and will seal the leaks themselves.
Just conjecturing"
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1001520

Ok that makes sense, no one trusting US or BP, they send their own submarines to take a look as you say

26/6/2010 11:39 AM Ok good news. French captain he now says his sub not sunk only badly damaged, 17 sailor injured. Asking for assistance and rescue.
He says attack from aircraft and not another submarine.

26/6/2010 11:48 AM Attack from US helicopter. All sailors bleeding from ear.

26/6/2010 12:07 PM OK, captain says surfacing in 12 minutes and magnetic radiation above normal on surface.  What is magnetic radiation?

26/6/2010 12:30 PM "The French? Now that is one coalition EVERY Englishman would love to join.  Finally the income tax may have a legitimate reason to exist again. War on France!!"
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 863042

You fucking idiot !!!

26/6/2010 12:39 PM wait

26/6/2010 12:40 PM Ok, captain confirms surface but waiting for all fires to be out. Then he will open main hatch
Another two DED channels is now open. One from office of Prazuck, other from Mistral command

--[At this point PatrickC325 - User ID: 587469 - United States makes the following post:

26/6/2010 12:44 PM 4 fighter jets took from Ellington Field screaming toward the gulf!

This was followed by a post from mimimeister - User ID: 971641 - Nicaragua

26/6/2010 1:40 PM Please allow me to stir things up a little more...
Some have asked why would France have a sub in the Gulf?
Well, a little googling returns a possibility. Best of all, it allows us to mix in a different conspiracy from the past!
Remember the disappearance of the Air France flight 447? I think there was even a web bot hit about this? So turns out the French govt sent a nuclear sub, the "Emeraude" to look for the black box. Here's the story with a video of Prazuck talking about it;
 So, their nuke sub with advanced sonar array has been looking for the black box since about this time last year. So, where's the sub now? Well, here's a story published May 6th of this year saying

"The search for the black boxes was resumed last month. It is now expected to continue into June, with Air France and the Airbus company each paying €1.5 million (£1.26 million) to finance the operation."
So, whether this is an OP fantasy or not it is a fact that the French have a sub ostensibly looking for a black box off the coast of S America. It's not the gulf but for a nuke sub it's definitely in the neighbourhood.] at this point there are already 11 pages of posts many claiming it's a hoax. I find the large and almost instant attacks on the post as odd in themselves.]--

Back to ID 1011531 who now posts:

26/6/2010 1:51 PM There are now 23 DED channels open. Very difficult to read transmissions that I need to post. I'm trying following the one from Mistrel command. It is serious one

26/6/2010 2:12 PM Apologies, I have not time answer questionaire. Girlfriend says it is something like digital emergency scrambling device in english. She just call it DED. Im using her laptop with permission.

26/6/2010 2:14 PM Two small US craft approach. Request immediate boarding. Captain refuse.

26/6/2010 2:28 PM German sub now surface between Em and US craft two minutes ago

26/6/2010 2:41 PM Captain report possible collision of German and one US craft. Caption issuing ramming alert.

26/6/2010 2:47 PM Captain still refusing boarding request. Says US mother vessel has no maritime signature, only flying US flag. Name is blacked out.

26/6/2010 3:05 PM Captain received offer from German Captain to escort from Gulf.

26/6/2010 3:10 PM Misrtral enroute 18 hours

26/6/2010 3:16 PM Second US craft just circling sub. Ramming alert cancelled.

26/6/2010 3:25 PM un authenticated US ship demanding release and jettison of detained cargo. Captain refuses

26/6/2010 3:41 PM Captain confirms second German submarine surfaced port side

--[From Anonymous Coward - User ID: 1016629 - United States who posted at:

6/26/2010 3:43 PM This was reported on Monday, I believe. May have originally read it on Yahoo. Here is a recap of it:


Three fishermen were about 4 miles off Hollywood Beach in Florida when one of them noticed what appeared to be just a mast sticking above water a short distance away.

They decided to investigate, thinking it might have been a sunken sailboat. As their 31 foot center console boat named Fishy Business got closer to the object, they realized they were looking at a submarine's periscope. Suddenly, down it went as it took off very fast. They reported what they saw to the Coast Guard who said they would get back to them, but they never did.

and this from Anonymous Coward - User ID: 1014541 - Poland

6/26/2010 4:04 PM wow, something is happening.
ZEVS stations are broadcasting again.
1st at 12:30 UTC and now at about 17:45 UTC
another one possibly at about 14:00 - 15:00 UTC
lots of activity. not seen any other day. ]--

(ZEVS) These are russian ELF transmitters used to communicate with submarines at depth. This is getting more and more curious.

Back to ID 1011531 who now posts:

26/6/2010 4:10 PM Our second (french) sub is also on new DED channel now, I cannot monitoring them all

26/6/2010 5:04 PM Captain reports boarding attempt and shots fired.

26/6/2010 5:27 PM direct DED channel from Em has gone dead, trying other channels

26/6/2010 5:32 PM last relay from Mistral says main hatch permanently damaged during boarding attempt, explosives used

26/6/2010 5:52 PM another relay from Mistral says boarding party was from other French sub I'm confused

26/6/2010 6:05 I have to leave building I will post from our apartment. (2 hours)
Girlfriend is sending anonymous transcript to AFP

--[Then we hear this from Anonymous Coward - User ID: 979403 - Sweden

6/26/2010 7:20 PM Swedish coastguard here, we have KBV-001 ( [link to] ) Posseidon stationed in the gulf to help out with the oilspill since it´s a boat built to deal with spills. Anyway we just had a chat with the commander and there is a sub with problems, also there is some confusion about it´s situation. KBV-001 has been dispatched to assist the submarine. Thats all the info we got at this time. Not whats happened to the boat, what contry it´s flagged and what status of the vessel.]--

Back to ID 1011531 who now posts:

26/6/2010 8:25 PM yawn

26/6/2010 8:26 PM here, setting up

26/6/2010 8:39 PM Having a problem connecting to DED intra from apartment. Will keep trying

26/6/2010 9:01 PM Big apology. I cant get in from apartment, all remote ports are full. If i try to many times the system will send alert. I'm on duty in 4 hours. I need to get some sleep. My focus not good and clear, Sorry. I Will update later. Good night

27/6/2010 6:54 AM back

27/6/2010 8:56 AM I'm on way to my girl friends office after work. She telephone me in the morning and says she was called to report at work today. She says everyone of staff is working today even though it is Sunday. Even the shadow embassy staff is working. Securitie is on highest she ever have seen. This can be problem for me to get in and see her.

[ Then this: Anonymous Coward - User ID: 960166 - United States

6/27/2010 10:43 AM So does anyone have a good explanation as to why they would evacuate "more than 38,000 people and 6,000 vessels that are involved in the oil response as well as the two rigs that are collecting about 24,500 barrels of oil a day from the well" for "two weeks", when a hurricane passes within a day or two and it isn't even expected to hit the particular area?

I know it could change direct but it seems pretty drastic for the likelihood doesn't it? Does anyone think there is a connection to this? Odd timing that CNN releases this information the day after we receive this information contained on this thread. May just be a coincidence though. Boy, hope the OP can tell us more soon. I've actually believed him and that alone says a lot. Most things posted here are crap.

I don't watch too many dates but the July 11th time frame might actually be on to something. The end of two weeks would put us about there.

Either way, it's becoming obvious that what the OP has posted is correct... which means?]--

Back to ID 1011531 who now posts:

27/6/2010 1:39 PM ok, i had to read over many channels from the past few hours.
There are many things I wont to report and get out there. I will says these things first.
Mostly everyone is safe. Mistrall have picked up 4 seriously injured with helicopter.
I said earlier I was confused because DED traffic said crew from other French submarine boarded injured Em.

Shots were fired but they came as warning shots from Em crew. One of the unknown submarines I now know is from GCP and it was them who boarded to help. The Em captain did not know the GCP was there and Em crew did not recognize them immediately because some comm system was damaged on Em. There is still an issue on the report that explosives was used on the hatch. if I find it I will report it but that is not a main issue anymore. There are two main issues now. The one is the cargo and the other is that other submarines are reporting the same problem with ballasts tanks not filling properly, air buoyancy, navigation and sonar problems with metallic oil and harassment and provoking moves of unmarked surface ships. Some surface ships have US flag but no maritime signature or call sign. Em captain describe situation as a submarine death trap. An attempt will be made in a few hours to transfer the cargo to the GCP submarine but the situation is still to tense.

I'm now searching for more desriptions on what the cargo is.
27/6/2010 2:45 PM Captain reporting sudden change in Israeli submarine course to fast approaching their coords

27/6/2010 2:47 PM ok, thats was 18 minutes ago

27/6/2010 3:14 PM Mistrall orders Em captain to immediately begin transfer of cargo to GCP. Caption has two hours before condition romeo is reached.
I dont know what romeo is.

27/6/2010 3:19 PM German submarine port side is submerging.

27/6/2010 3:42 PM The current description and status of the cargo is filed under directive 301. I'll ask girl friend what that is

27/6/2010 4:05 PM Captain reporting extreme conditions and geological echoes on seabed (translation is a problem)

27/6/2010 4:35 PM Israeli sub has halted, surfacing

27/6/2010 4:40 PM 4 low flying aircraft approaching at sub sonic speed, crew ordered to go below deck

27/6/2010 4:48 PM Israel submarine just blew missile hatches

27/6/2010 4:49 PM Israeli submarine launching surface to air missiles merde! (merde=shit)

27/6/2010 4:54 PM condition romeo reached Israeli submarine submerging

27/6/2010 4:57 PM GCP and second german submarine submerging

27/6/2010 5:07 PM hit hit tracking falling debris

27/6/2010 5:06 PM captain reporting surface vessels rapidly forming v formation

27/6/2010 5:13 PM captain will attempt submerge 3 minutes
Im pray repairs to hatch will hold

27/6/2010 5:38 PM Mistral taskgroup now on full battle alert, all aircraft authorised for full ordinance. 8 airborne 9 level altitude intercept

27/6/2010 5:48 PM hatch is holding

27/6/2010 5:52 PM DED shows most submarine traffic now moving out and away from gulf even the US submarines at close to full speed

27/6/2010 6:19 PM We have to leave the building now because it will look suspicious if we stay so late again. I hate leave while things are now so serious.

The cargo is on the GCP sub and I think it will be safe, that is important. When my girlfriend has time see will lookup what 301 is. She guess it is doing with the search and recovery of a non NATO member sensitive military equipment/identification like fallen fighter plane, satellite, sunken ship or submarine. Its to busy here now and everyone is preparing for international incident report. Maybe it will be in AFP tomorrow. Israel did not attack US aircraft. Israel was defending himself and we think us too. I cannot figure out what aircraft they were and from what nation. i will find out but they not from US I think. Good night.


This is an ongoing thread on the site mentioned and well worth a look see. Some great information to be found among the posts there.

[Continued]    [Previous]