Monday, December 14, 2009

What's wrong with people? (Part Five)

Perhaps we are now seeing a motive for the deception? Especially as to our history, are we to believe that we have made a slow but recent ascent from Stone Age to space with nothing prior than a few amoebas? That is the “story” yet when we go to any place on the planet and check the hand me down tales of the local population you find that they all remember a time when they were great, this is usually accompanied by tales of a great catastrophe, in which the then civilization met its end.

Often these tales also record that we were not alone as a race at the time. In fact several suggest that we are the survivors of a race that has been enslaved by external visitors. I have heard legends and myths of these times, the clues spread across the planets different peoples, each recalling sections of a greater story like pieces of a broken mirror, each adds to the whole so that a picture grows as the pieces combine.

What are these stories you ask and why have I not heard of them? One reason you may not have heard of them is the fact that they don’t fit the “story” and as such are rejected. In the days of my youth I was considered crazy because I could not, would not accept such blatant disregarding of information form older times just because it could be dismissed as myth or legend. One of the clearest is legends of the flood. There are likely more than 230 different legends that speak of this event. I don’t think I need to go into that one to much as surely many will be aware of at least a few of these. What is more startling and less well known is the legends of an ancient war that ended all wars for a very long time.

Amazingly the physical evidence is with us to this day. I will leave this for the moment but shall return to it. Let us take a look at the clues that come to us from some of the more common sources. In considering the “story” as given by the bible it sheds a different light on the whole thing if you consider god, serpent and Adam as races of beings rather than individuals.

There is an interesting legend from the Greeks that talks about the beginnings of man which are referred to as “unusual creatures” an extract follows:-

[ Zeus gathered the gods in council to express his concern that these new creatures would one day challenge hegemony. He was loathe to exterminate them with thunderbolts, though, because there would be no one to bring the gods offerings. He solved the problem by putting each creature into a trance and then splitting it down the middle. Upon awakening, each half only dimly remembered what it had been prior to being cleft in two. Zeus explained to the assembled gods and goddesses the cleverness of his scheme. These creatures would no longer pose a threat to the gods, because they would dissipate their considerable energy by spending the rest of their days searching for their missing halves. ]

This is an interesting story and it does explain a yearning I know each of us has to seek a missing partner, soul mate or something undefined. However to show how these legends can repeat in different places here is an extract from the Apocalypse of Adam (which is a known text that was left out of the bible):-

[ Then god the demiurge/satanaet, the ruler of aeons and the powers, divided us in wrath. Then we became two aeons. And the glory in our hearts left us….. After those days the eternal knowledge of the god of truth withdrew from me and you mother eve. Since this time we have learned about dead things, like men. Then we recognized the god who had created us. For we were not strangers to his powers. And we served him in fear and slavery. When god had created me out of the earth along with eve your mother, I went about with her in a glory which she had seen in the aeon from which we had come forth. She taught me a word of knowledge of the eternal god. And we resembled the great eternal angels, for we were higher than the god who had created us and the powers with him, whom we did not know. ]

It is also interesting that the name Adam (Adom) means cut off or divided. What is clear is that there are two or even three races on the planet at that time. Whatever it was that was done it was done to limit and control mankind and it was sorely missed by those that suffered it. It is also worth noting that in both the above texts man was in the servitude of these beings. These are not gods interested in our wellbeing rather a race only interested in enslaving and limiting mans potential. So with that thought in mind what do we then make of the Garden of Eden story?

What if as the Hebrew texts suggest Jehovah was the cruellest adversary of all the gods? We know from the above texts that man was enslaved and somehow handicapped in a most horrific way.

What if what is referred to as the serpent was actually a group that freed mankind from this. Is it possible that the female was easier to enlighten? I believe that woman is the key to our evolution. We are partners and woman can lead the way as Adam is quoted as saying:- [ I went about with her in a glory which she had seen in the aeon from which we had come forth. She taught me a word of knowledge of the eternal god.] Woman through her ability to give life is closer to the Universal energy or eternal god as Adam saw it. Note also that he refers to themselves as being greater than "the god that created them and the powers with him who he did not know." a telling distinction. What we do know is that woman has been persecuted to this day. “And god caste Adam and Eve from the garden.” Not a very forgiving type this god. If there was another group that has rescued man from the slavery imposed by these vengeful gods it is not such a big step to imaging that these gods would be rather peeved. I mentioned earlier that there has been found evidence of wars in ancient times, now let us look at some old texts that may assist us build an picture about what appears to have happened:-

Erfa of Pharaoh Amenophis

[ His… was an intensely dramatic era which culminated in a prolonged war, the invasion of his country by vast well-armed hordes, accompanied by meteorological events of a phenomenal character, and finally ended in the great catastrophe which destroyed him and most of his nation. ]

Ipuwer Papyrus 1780 BC

[ The land – to its whole extent confusion and terrible noise….For nine days there was no exit from the palace and no one could see the face of his fellow…..Towns were destroyed by mighty tides…..Upper Egypt suffered devastation….Blood everywhere….pestilence throughout the country….]

Book of Isiah

[ I am the lord and there is none else. I form the light and create the darkness I make peace and create evil, I the lord do all these things. ]

Note here that the lord creates evil. This god is a punitive god and not at all forgiving and in fact seems to be for the most part bent on causing war and death. The following from Ezekiel 5:11 adds weight to this assessment.

Ezekiel 5:11

[ Wherefore, as I live, saithe the lord god surely because thou hast defiled my sanctuary with all they detestable things and with all they abominations therefore will I also diminish thee neither shall mine eye spare neither will I have any pity. ]

Or this from Job 1:16

[ The fire of god is fallen from heaven and hath burned up the sheep and the servants and consumed them and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. ]

As you can see this seems to be a description of a terrible event, one that is repeated frequently in the bible as well as many other sources. I will give you one more from the bible before moving to other sources.

Book of Peter

[ But the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night. In which heaven shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. ]

Now for some alternative sources,

Srimad Bhagavatam

[ Tells of a demon race which invaded the three planetary systems. Opposing the demons was the Hindu god Shiva, who possessed a powerful weapon that he fired at the enemy airships from his own. ]

Norse Edda

[ The second winter is called the winter of the sword. Those of mankind left alive rob and slay one another for what is left to feed on. Brother slays brother, mighty battles occur in the world….. The head of Mimir (fountain of all wisdom), counsels Odin to meet on the field of Vigrid, and to wage there such a war that the power of evil would be destroyed forever, even though his own world would be destroyed with them. ]

Algonkian Indians

[ Long ago, two powerful Manitous felt themselves insulted by the hero Wisaka. This put them into a fearful passing and intending to kill their enemy, they raged and roared over the Earth, which heaved and shook under their angry steps. ]

The Mahabharata

[ His Saubha clung to the sky at a league’s length….He threw at me rockets, missiles, spears, spikes, battle-axes, three-bladed javelins, flame-throwers, without pausing….The sky…. Seemed to hold a hundred suns, a hundred moons….. and a hundred myriad stars. Neither day nor night could be made out, or the points of the compass.

It was as if the elements had been unleashed. The sun spun round. Scorched by the incandescent heat of the weapon, the world reeled in fever. Elephants were set on fire by the heat and ran to and fro in a frenzy, water boiled, animals died, the enemy was mown down and the raging of the blaze made the trees collapse. Horses and war chariots were burned up. Thousands of chariots were destroyed, then deep silence descended on the sea…..The corpses of the fallen were mutilated by the terrible heat so that they no longer looked like human beings.

Never before have we seen such a ghastly weapon and never before have we heard of such a weapon.

A single projectile charged with all the power of the universe an incandescent column of smoke and fire as bright as 10,000 suns from a shaft fatal as the rod of death. Endowed with the force of a thousand eyed Indra’s thunder it was as destructive to all living creatures. Hostile warriors fell to the earth like trees burned down in a raging fire, a substance like fire has sprung into existence, blistering hills, rivers and trees. All are being reduced to ashes. You cruel and evil ones, drunk with pride, though that iron bolt you shall become exterminators of your race.

Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful vimana hurled against the 3 cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. It was the unknown weapon, the iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishis and Andhakas. The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white. After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected….To escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment.

This weapon was so feared that in great distress of mind the king had the bolt reduced to fine powder and thrown into the sea. Even with these precautions, peoples hair and nails fell out overnight, birds turned white and their legs became scarlet and blistered, and food went bad….]

In Pakistan over 40 exhumed skeletons, from around 2000 BC were found to be radioactive. Layers of fused green glass has been discovered in areas of the middle east and India, Stone structures can be found in Scotland where forts have one of their sides completely fused into glass. Archaeologists after digging through layers of Babylonian and Sumerian artefacts reached a layer of clay 14 feet thick which suggests a prolonged flood. Below the clay was a layer of fused glass, the same as can be seen at Alamogordo in Texas after the Atomic tests.

The Ramayana another of the Indian epic tales mentions an iron thunderbolt capable of killing hundreds of thousands of humans. It was also said to be so powerful that it could have destroyed the Earth. These weapons could only be used by royal decree. There is even a passage where it mentions the fact that the weapon was used as retaliation for the other side using it first. In the Samara Sudradhara we find mention of the use of biological weapons, each of which produced its own results. The Samara debilitated its victims by attacking the motor centre of the brain, and the Moha caused blockage of nerve impulses, resulting in complete paralysis.

From all of this and there is much more than the items quoted here it can be safely said that at some time in the ancient past races of men attained high technological levels most likely at a higher level that we have attained to date. It is also evident that they became involved in a war that had no winners only survivors.

So as you can see we have established that a long time ago much further back than the “story” we have been given allows us we find multiple legends and myths that tell a detailed story. We have seen that races existed in addition to our own.

I shall attempt to put together a simplified version of how things appear to have developed as I understand it. I have not covered it all in the above.

Long ago a race of beings entered our solar system and landed upon a planet that no longer exists called Tiamat which was an ocean planet, it would have appeared in our skies as a very bright object almost like a second sun. The Earth if it existed at all had no moon at this time.

This Earth was probably all land with lakes. This was a world without seasons or tides. And is perhaps what we recall in our races memory as Eden. This invader race was being pursued by another race. The ones that landed upon Tiamat did not hide themselves well and were detected, they also hid in caves deep in our Earth. When the pursuers caught up they destroyed Tiamat. Now at this time there was an advanced race living upon Mars which had an atmosphere at that time. This race frequently visited the Earth and traded and interacted with the race of man.

When Tiamat which was also know as Lucifer, Typhon, Vulcan and Marduk to name but a few was destroyed vast amounts of water was released into space. This destruction also moved Mars orbit and as a result it lost its atmosphere. It is highly likely the Earth also moved in its orbit probably lengthened the solar year due to increased orbital path.

The disruption this would have caused to the Earth was dramatic but it was far worse on Mars. The peoples there fled to the Earth to seek refuges though it is believed that some remained underground upon Mars. Meanwhile back on earth the waters from Tiamat have started to arrive causing the formation of oceans, the flooding of lands and the death of many along with the destruction of the civilizations that existed.

Perhaps this was Atlantis or Lumuria. The result was that the Mars refugees and the native survivors re established themselves upon the Earth. What they may not have known at first is that they had a new race with them upon the planet. This race was unlike the native and Martian one in a single significant way. They have no souls as such. They are darkness. One of the things they required was slaves to do the work for them. They could not just use the natives as is as they had greater potential than them in the spiritual area.

So they played with some genetically. We have the Adam and Eve story which is remarkably detailed. They created their servants and put them to work. But the native races discovered them and educated, enlightened or freed them and this pissed off the race of darkness big time.

This darkness race had genetically manipulated reptilian DNA into the native DNA to produce a controlable slave race. As Carlos said they gave us their mind. This race is us. Our brothers and sisters were horrified by what was done and took action against it.

The result is the war we see listed above. Unfortunately for us the darkness race was not hesitant in using weapons that could destroy the planet. The native races were beaten and we survived. Sadly so did the Darkness race. Now in days of old before we had our DNA changed we lived very long lives at least 600 to 700 years probably much more but after the changes only 70 years, no time to learn to work things out, perfect for slave, cattle. The Darkness race still live that long. In this way we grow old and die as children we never get to grow up.

We have been controlled and ruled by the other race for many, many centuries, they live the 600 to 700 years and use this to steer us down the paths they wish. They have systematically removed, destroyed or hidden any clues that we could use to assist us understand our past and follow true path. The Darkness race set up in the relatively stable area of the middle east which resulted in civilisations rising up under their guidance and control, one of these we know as the Sumerians.

We reproduce catastrophe because we ourselves are traumatized – both as a species and individually, beginning at birth. Because we are wounded, we have put up psychic defences against reality and have become so cut off from direct participation in the multidimensional wilderness in which we are embedded that all we can do is navigate our way cautiously through a designed darkness controlled day to day substitute world of symbols – a world of dollars, minutes, numbers, images and words that are constantly being manipulated to wring the most possible profit from every conceivable circumstance. The body and the spirit both rebel.

Destructive human aggression and sadism in its worst forms, to include despotism, warfare, ritual murder, and the brutal subjugation of females and children for sexual purposes, are a relatively recent development in human history, of less than 6,000 years duration, traceable back in time to central Asia and Arabia. (There is a curious black box that is worshipped in this region that seems to have appeared about this time) As I pointed out before I believe this is done to prevent our females from evolving and assisting us to return to our true path. The female brain has better connections and is able to perceive the way faster and easier than the male. The male has the power to get to the destination but the female can and must show the way. Both sexes are needed to pursue the path, the woman as guide and the male as defender and power to obtain the goal, each needs the other.

The Dark ones have encouraged and cultivated our worst traits and characteristics. We think we live in a normal world. We do not, we live in a deception. We are deluded and programmed. We are so caught up with the illusion that we cannot see that which is in front of us.

One thing I do have to say is that we are responsible for our actions. It is our choice how we react to things but we are programmed and misled to such an extent that we no longer know what the choices are.

The methods employed against us are basically simple. One-on-one indoctrination via education systems and the media while at the same time outside the couscous perception or control by for example habitat changes or symbols. These prime us and prepare us so that we can be controlled. And we are controlled willingly because we choose to surrender to the pressures as that path is made easy since suggestibility is based on the powerlessness of the individual and the perceived power of the leaders. The control system that operates upon us does have to follow certain rules. It has to tell you what it is doing as it needs your compliance. Look to the media, particularly movies, you will find that they explain what is happening or about to happen clearly, just ignore the last 10 or 12 minutes which is the feel good,  point you in the desired direction bit. Movies and series are used to condition you to what is coming, or are there to help create a desired outcome by changing reality based on the idea that if enough people think "it" then "it" will happen.

We see that companies spend over $200 billion a year to advertise. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the methods used against us. They use them for the most part get us to buy things we don’t need. There is a growing trend to target children with the industry working to incite them to punish parents for saying NO and then blaming them for saying YES. Teaching them to be “me first” with no attempt to teach skills of cooperation. This method affects us at all levels but worst of all it robs kids of their childhood. No wonder they are increasingly confused and hostile. Try asking one about their friends and they are as likely to tell you what they wear or own than tell you what sort of person they are.

One of the very first strategies employed was to ban idols. This is a heavily promoted and subtle method of control that many will not see for what it is. It helps to understand what the word “Idol” actually means. It comes from the Latin Idolum which is derived from the Greek eidolon meaning image. So the sin of idol worship is the sin of making visual images.

If you rank the commandments by order of importance it seems that the Idol issue was more of a concern than murder. We have been denied our visual language heritage and left with these mere words as a means of conveying ideas yet we know that a picture contains a thousand words. Plato is quoted as saying that writing will create forgetfulness in the learner’s souls because they will not use their memories. How cruelly cunning are those that promoted this. We need to become symbol literate to understand the world around us.

I have often wondered at the fact that the age that saw the introduction of the printing press was deemed as the dark ages. It is aptly named as although it is supposed to have been a period where knowledge was spread by way of the printed word the reality was that much knowledge was lost, destroyed or suppressed at this time while at the same time the limited expression of the printed word (read propaganda) was pushed out to the masses. The inquisition was used to good effect.

All the ancient knowledge was targeted at this time through the religions that spread their power across Europe. If you were foolish enough to be a shaman at this time you did not last long. Witness the burning of witches and persecutions of any that disagreed with the new program.

Humanity becomes even more mired in the reality trap, one can see how restricted we have been be reviewing the great minds of the past and asking how did these people without the supposed benefits of a modern education make the discoveries they did? Why have we not had the like since? And when you look at it one could be forgiven for thinking we have as a race become less intelligent as time has passed and in view of the above I expect that’s not as farfetched an idea as it may first appear to be.

We live in a world that see’s most of humanity insane or deluded. Mental illness is the norm and those that have avoided that suffer from less obvious but equally damaging things like schizophrenia and panic attacks. Delusion is rife and people grope about trying to work out what they have lost or cling desperately to the religions in the hope that they will be saved if they just wait. Oh and while I am on the getting saved bit perhaps I should explain how that works.

Salvation comes from making the right choices and becoming enlightened through the development of understanding. No one is going to ride in on a spaceship and rescue you nor is there going to be a second, third or tenth coming to save the righteous and condemn the sinners, No it is by our own efforts that we will advance, to a higher state or as I prefer density. The second coming is the one that happens within each person.

Anyway the bottom line is if you are unable to think for yourself you are in danger of losing your soul. You have responsibility for yourself and you exercise your authority by making choices. This works well if honesty prevails and that no outsiders interfere. But our world is not such a place and you allow yourself to be led at your peril.

I have taken a wee walk down a path that only some have taken. I have not addressed anything really but have gently touched on an item here or there. I shall stop at this point and put the onus on any reading this to take responsibility for themselves and ask questions.

Remember this - It is important to own your own thoughts. We are programmed to self-destruct. No instruction is given on being open, or aware, we are not even taught to think.

Follow your heart! Live your passion, go your own way. Don't be anything but what and who you are.

Do this and you will go a long way to helping fix what's wrong with people.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What's wrong with people? (Part Four)

It appears religions key focus is to control the individual by means of a plan that at its core decrees you are in some manner a lesser being. Religions promote themselves as the only path to a better future. Not here now mind but in some imagined place usually requiring you to die to get there and only if you become a member now. You will still be a lesser being but at least one of the subservient herd tending to who or whatever is ahead of you in the pecking order. Religions are basically used to train slaves or servants if you prefer while at the same time preventing any true evolution of soul to manifest.

This process is employed by all religions, be they conventional, New Age or cult, even science and atheism employ these time proven methods.  A scientist has his structured world that is rarely flexible and demands compliance to the agreed "facts" as they are perceived to be at that time.  The atheist is in denial and can see nothing beyond now. The end result is the same.

Every means of deception is used, any method justified as long as the end result is a distraction away from truth, it matters not that the lies and fabrications are plain or that they say one thing and then practice the opposite. You end up being either fooled, confused or scared into compliance with the herd or forced by peer pressure or other more direct means. The end result is you give your power away to these deceptions. They rob you of your ability to choose and leech your energy to serve them.

The manipulations employ a classic well tested method of deception, use complexity to bewilder the mind to create a state where the issues become too big, too confusing. So much so it is easier to go along with it and let others make the choices as there’s nothing we can do anyway. In this way the few control the many.

What is hidden is simple and basic. You are part of reality, you are part of the Universe, and you are part of God. You are not less than or more than anything. You are part of. I acknowledge that there are many genuine people caught up in the various religions, cults, orders and what not. Caught in the trap of thinking they have to choose between what is in effect the same thing. You can choose not to choose! Yet many give away their power, their energy to these deceptions, blind to the leeches on their very souls.

These deceptions or control methods also remove freedom of speech. Or rather the freedom to express a different view point or any doubts. You cannot be said to have freedom of speech if someone else is deciding for you what you can or cannot say. The issue here is that with the limiting or control of speech comes the limiting and control of thought. Peer pressure then becomes an effective way of policing the herd to maintain the status quo.

That is why it is important that people have freedom of expression, to be able to ask questions and speak freely about important questions. By defending this right you defend your own right to freedom. As the time honoured line states: "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it."

The same applies to life; you have no freedom if someone else is telling you how to live your life. Often we are pressured into giving away our rights and opinions to blend with the herd, to "fit in." It is however still our choice. That is the one consistent fact, we can choose. Admittedly it is made easier to pick the choice of least resistance. The way of the herd makes is safe. Or is it?

Interestingly that is exactly how we manage sheep and cattle, we encourage the herd, why? Because it makes them easier to control, to fleece and to slaughter. I would now like to quote another author who had a very interesting observation to make about this.
What Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda:-
[... We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so [act independently ...]
Don Juan understood that we are like cattle herded and controlled, milked for emotional energy, harvested at leisure. And we carry on unknowing of our fate, unaware we are captured or controlled. Religions and the like are but one of the very many methods employed to keep us in place. They act like fences steering us to the path desired not by us but by our predator. We for the most part plod along sometimes getting a glimpse of the other side of the fence but then hurrying on as if nothing happened.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What's wrong with people? (Part Three)

Some of these texts have caused so much death and cruelty that I have the opposite view of them. I think the small truths and insights they contain have been carefully placed there to add weight to the lies. In fact their primary role has been to put the conditions in place to create death and destruction. If viewed from this perspective they have been very successful. The worst of these have been without doubt the religious texts.

Where did we get the idea that Man needs religion?  When did you decide you needed religion and was it your idea or was it a suggestion? When isolated races are encountered they have legends of better times and beings who had superior knowledge. They acknowledge a force in the universe that is more powerful than themselves but they don't seek salvation through others,  instead looking to themselves to become one with their world. Nor do they present texts and assign them ridiculous abilities or status. No they see the creator in the envirionment and give thanks for what the get from it and try as best they are able to live in harmony with it. Yet we "modern" types are told that we are born evil by some and inferior to all. We are also told that we need to be "saved" and that we can only be "saved" by joining one camp or another.

The religion I was educated to states that the saviour can be likened to a good shepherd, caring for the flock and looking out for strays. A cosy picture to the ignorant but I am a country person and understand the shepherds work well, it is true to say they care for the flock and look after strays, however they also fleece, skin, kill and eat the flock. I do not think the analogy was an accident nor do I believe they were selective in meaning. I think our ancestors knew all to well the foe that besets us and at every turn left clues for those that would see.

A little while back I mentioned evil. Let us take a quick look at the question of evil. Religion tells us that man has two natures. Good and Evil. The issue is in definition as what is good to one is bad to another. What is more true to say is we are creatures that are able to make choices and we were given consciences to balance those decisions. Oh but wait psychopaths don't have one.  Then we have the “story” of how Man was not originally evil and that evil came to Man. god so the “story” goes creates Man in his image and then denies him some aspect of knowledge? Stating that should he, god be disobeyed then Man would surely die.

Adam is said to have worked for god caring for the garden and doing chores for God. The “story” tells that Eve (I shall return to Eve) fell under the influence of the Evil one and partakes of the knowledge. (One could ask who created the evil one?) Interestingly nowhere in the Genesis is there any mention be it direct or indirect of the devil being involved. Yet despite having broken gods rule about gaining the knowledge god did not kill them as first stated, but it appears did chuck a hissy fit and tossed them out of the garden.

It would appear that evil existed before Man was created. Perhaps this suggests that Good and Evil are equal parts of duality with only one or the others ability to sway votes making the difference on who is on top? We find in Isaiah 45:7 “I create evil …” So now according to text, god can and does create evil as desired. Let us take a closer look at the commandments as dictated to us and other extracts from the "good" book:-

"Thou shalt not kill --- Thus sayeth the Lord of Israel… Broken by this:  Put every man his sword by his side and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour."  Exodus 12:27

"Thou shalt not steal" --- A commandment broken when they robbed the cities as instructed.

"Thou shalt not covet the property of a neighbour"  --- Another commandment broken when the very land was confiscated. 

We are told in the “story” that Cain after he killed Abel was banished forever … but was given a "mark" by god to prevent him being killed. The question here is killed by whom? As supposedly there was only Cain and his parents Adam and Eve in creation. And why is god keen to spare him? Logic here states that Cain must have gone on to become the primary ancestor of Mankind and he was by all accounts "evil" and curiously "protected" by god to ensure his genetics survived. I find that very disturbing. Another thing that is worthy of attention is the fact that Jesus rebuked all public prayer. Yet despite this it was made a staple of the Church. I thought Jesus was the son of god? Perhaps he was, but not the son of (lowercase g) god but rather the son of (uppercase G) God. This would help explain the direct contradictions between the ideals of Jesus and the practices of god (lowercase g).

All religions dance to the same tune. Superstitions interwoven with myths and fables. They make half the people fools and the other half rogues; they can be used by leaders (usually psychopaths) to justify wars and other insanities as what god wants while at the same time allowing the collection of wealth and power. As I said before they have been the largest cause of mass death in our recorded history. They exploit mankind by appealing to the deep need of man not to feel alone.

I think we have found one of our triggers.