Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 the year Gaia gave notice

Blizzards, droughts, earthquakes, floods, heat waves, landslides, tropical storms, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanoes.

This year like no other has given us all a reason to take notice of our world. We have experienced record highs and lows within the weather systems, the jet streams are going into places they never have before. The world trembles with volcanoes and earthquakes and the insane actions of man add to this because of the greed of those that would have their desires no matter the cost to others. It can be said that this year was the year of the one hundred year event, when the extremes had extremes, so many were reported. Some say that it is just a random coincidence, nothing to worry about, others claim it is the result of man changing the environment and in some cases it is, but they are not the cases the media focuses upon.

They (the inbred elites) still promote global warming as the cause of weather extremes, ironically including record cold and snowfall claiming it is the extra water put into the atmosphere by evaporation caused by global warming. They franticly point to any warm spell as evidence while ignoring or faking statistics to discredit any cooling trends.

This video is great as they are in total denial, unable to mention the Gulf they desperately grope for reasons for their failure to predict the cold weather that I and others could see clearly coming months ago. They did do a plug for their global warming models as apparently while they cannot predict a month ahead they can accurately predict years ahead.

The truth is, due to their own greed and corruption they missed the period of solar activity which warmed all the planets of the solar system and produced a moderate warming period. This is now abating according to astrological observations. The evidence points to cooling as the Sun enters a period of much lower activity.

Climate modellers employed by NASA, the IPCC, etc.(Climategate), all claim that their models indicate a temperature increase of 2.5°C+ due to a doubling of CO2. They predicted less snow, warmer times while the reality is the observed trend opposite of the predictions.

With the changes brought about by the stopping of the loop current in the Gulf of Mexico all bets are off, especially with regard to climate models which are twisted to suit the global warming, we need carbon tax agenda.

Blue dots show affected section of the North Atlanntic Current with the water sinking much sooner. I will point out that the massive Timor Sea oil spill of 2009 was also in that current flow.

The IPCC are claiming this year could have been the hottest recorded to date but frankly I find it hard to believe anything this organisation states as they have been shown to follow the same agenda as those who have a vested interest in introducing a carbon tax (Air Tax). I remember when it was said as a joke, they tax everything they can, pretty soon they will be taxing air and water. Well folks, it's no longer a joke, they have water under tight control and that which they cannot they are polluting, by every means at their disposal, now with the carbon (Air) tax are working on air.

The Gulf of Mexico oil discharge is one piece of human interference that will have serious global repercussions for years to come. It has resulted in the elimination of the gulf loop current which in turn has stopped the warm waters of the gulf adding to the Atlantic current which has effectively cooled Europe. Witness the early onset of winter in the United Kingdom and Europe.

Another less frequently mentioned side effect has been the disruption of the jet stream (it split into two) in the northern hemisphere which has unnaturally warmed some areas. The Russian heatwave is a result of this with its fires and other side effects such as the melting permafrost with resulting release of methane only adding to the problems. In fact this could cause global warming in the short term for some areas of the globe as methane is a incredible heat sink.

A cycle of methane releases will cause temperature spikes cumulating in a huge spike that will make some areas unliveable, the methane then dissipates and there will be a rapid cooling which will bring snow to much larger areas than now changing the albedo of the planet and heralding the start of the next ice age. This behaviour is short term and typical of the end of an interglacial period which are rapid in onset. The jet stream has also caused floods in many places with Pakistan being an example. When the jet stream does straighten out, and it will be as the arctic will push the kinks out of it, there will be some very severe storms generated.

To show just how extreme things are getting a tornado was reported in New York city as well as in other regions not usually subject to them.

Another area of unusual activity has been the worlds volcanoes with 64 surface volcanoes erupting this year. It is said there are is an average of 50 to 70 eruptions per year but these included underwater volcanoes which I have not included here.

I have seen 3 million reported with many being active and many new ones making an appearance this year. To quote another site:

"Oceanographers Hillier and Watts (2007) surveyed 201,055 submarine volcanoes. From this they concluded an astounding total of 3,477,403 submarine volcanoes must reasonably exist worldwide. They based this finding on the earlier and well-respected observations of Earth and Planetary Sciences specialist, Batiza (1982) who found that at least 4 per cent of seamounts are active volcanoes"

Volcanoes also contribute to atmospheric effects and so will add to the disruptions already in place. If there is something that can change the climate it is volcanoes, a single large volcano can add more gases to the atmosphere than humanity can manage, our input is like a small continuous volcano, so let's once and for all drop the "mankind is causing global warming" spiel. If we have too many volcanoes spewing toxins into the seas they alone will raise the acidity of the oceans to the point that life in them would become imperilled.

Earthquakes often accompany volcanoes and this year has seen large earthquakes taking place somewhere on the planet almost daily. The statistics show the most activity since 2007 which had a greater number of quakes overall 2270 verses 2062 but 2010 has had the most in the 7+ range with 22 against 2007 with 18. I again think of the Gulf of Mexico and find myself wondering if the drilling that lead to the discharge could act as a trigger for a large earthquake. I remember that the Gulf of Mexico is a complex area geographically. I also recall that the Deepwater drilling is beside a salt dome.

What happens if the integrity of the salt dome fails?

Could this lead to a great quake along the New madrid fault line? I imagine it could if the Gulf of Mexico is tectonically active. According to geologist-geophysicist Jack M. Reed who has studied the region, The Gulf of Mexico is the likely originator of seismic activity along the New Madrid line. To quote him:

"This northeast trending earthquake zone appears to connect with the northeast trending Monroe Uplift, the LaSalle Arch and, possibly, to an active seismic zone located in and around Sabine Lake on the Texas-Louisiana border. This entire zone through the United States is suffering some type of tectonic activity that I believe is tied to the deeply buried tectonics in the Gulf of Mexico. And the inbreds have had BP messing with those same deeply buried tectonics.

In a study conducted by the University of Illinois, it is projected that a 7.7-magnitude earthquake along the New Madrid fault would leave 3,500 people dead, more than 80,000 injured and more than 7 million homeless. What if it's bigger? Some suggest that should the Gulf floor erupt due to the interference of BP the entire Madrid fault line could open up empting the great lakes into the gulf. Especially as they have been fracking the entire region, destroying natural water reserves and fracturing the rock. What a way ot prepare an area for destruction while at the same time forcing people to buy water supplied by them as the natural wells have been polluted by their actions. It could split the country in two, from the Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico along the Reelfoot Rift. I have no need to expand on what the results of that would be.

Topographic image of the Reelfoot Rift and the New Madrid Seismic Zone

You may think I am being alarmist but I think I am being conservative. I had another disturbing thought, what if it is all deliberate, if the stopping of the loop current was just a bonus in a much bigger plan designed to cripple the greatest free nation in our civilization? The inbreds have by lies, merciless deception, and murderous actions taken over much of the institutions of the United States in the same manner as they did Europe but should they ever be exposed enough people within the US remain free enough to cause them harm.  As I considered this I realised that if it is their plan then there would be other signs because they would look after themselves as the highest priority and Europe would become unpleasantly cold, so all of the inbred families would be looking to relocate.

It was then I remembered Denver airport and surrounds with all its mysterious underground features and nearby properties which were being purchased by those very same inbred families. Denver is on high ground well clear of the New Madrid fault and the Reelfoot Rift. I recall also hearing a rumor that there has been a steady movement of government from Washington to Denver as well. The more I consider it the more it fits. Suddenly the fact that the inbreds still have four, one million dollar a day rigs doing something in the region of the Deepwater well becomes darkly disturbing.

What if the ultimate plan is to trigger a massive earth movement in the Gulf? One so vast it sinks the Reelfoot Rift opening a channel from the Gulf to the Great lakes or beyond? The disruption to the United States would be massive, game changing, most of the east coast would be affected to varying degrees. An earth movement of this scale could well trigger other earth movements around the globe. The damage and loss of life would be tremendous. The west coast would also be affected but perhaps not in the ways envisaged. It is quite possible a rise may take place there rather than sinking. Either way the country would be stunned and the inbreds would seize the opportunity to take over.

This whole line of thought has depressed me somewhat as I do not like to be a predictor of doom and gloom. On the other hand I would rather say what I am thinking and perhaps in so doing prevent or hinder the result or help someone else, rather than to say nothing and watch it happen. These inbreds are parasites upon all humanity and should be given the same treatment they bestow on others.

We now hear of changes being detected in the Earth's core, the Suns behaviours and the very space our world is travelling in. I think change when it comes regarding our climate will be sudden. We do indeed live in interesting times.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

On behalf of all Elites

We'd like to thank you. Because you make it easy for us and we know you'll never win the lottery. We control that and know exactly who will, in fact we control all money.

On the other hand, it's a sure bet that you'll slave away at some miserable job your entire life. That's because you were born into the wrong social faction, you're a member of the paid slaves. Live with it, we are certainly happy about it!

You don't have the education, connections, or callous disregard for you fellows to ever become one of us. In fact, you'd need a book the size of small bus to list all the ridiculously unfair advantages we have over you. That's why we're so relieved to know that you still continue to believe all those clever fairy tales about justice, equal rights and opportunity that we have told you over the centuries.

Of course, in our hierarchical system, there's never much room at the top. and as it's already occupied by us, we intend to keep it that way. But at least we do provide you with someone lower in the social hierarchy so that you can feel superior. It helps us maintain control to by fostering envy and greed. Even a lowly politician can easily find some poor paid slave further down ladder to sneer and make fun of. So be grateful for all the unemployed, migrant workers, prostitutes, and homeless people we create. They let you get to feel superior, we understand this need.

We cannot allow everyone like you to be economically secure and socially privileged, who would do all those boring, dangerous, low-paid jobs for us? And who would go to fight our wars so that we can cash in on demolition and rebuilding projects? Who would blindly follow orders in our totalitarian corporate institutions? Not to mention going meekly go to your grave without having been able to live a full and creative life. We are truly grateful you are all so blind!

You don't have the same greedy, compulsive drive to possess wealth and power, to own and control that we have. We know you don't! We have studied you for centuries, you have those weird things you call feelings. We know there not true as none of us have ever had any! But some of you have tricked us with them in the past and we have learned.
You go through life mechanically playing your assigned social role, parroting the latest story we decide to give you, kept in line by your fellow paid slaves! We don't have to do a thing! Just top up the story and offer the odd distraction to keep you happy.

Of course we play you off against each other whenever it suits our purposes, black against white, male against female, old against young, we point out your differences at every turn. We continually lower your wages by every means we can think of and sometimes just because we can. We also tax everything, true you are dodging the air tax but we will get it, we just need to name it right and find the right motivation. We really left the Global warming / Carbon tax run a little late and some of you started to notice it was getting cooler. If too many of you ever do start to think we make you unemployed in a depression or stock market grab, if you step out of line or jeopardize our profits we ensure an appropriate war, disaster or illness befalls you.

We are generous though and let you believe that you have free elections and we allow you to participate in them. We ensure you have a good choice of our choice of yes men to vote into office. we still choose the winner mind, but you have fun playing. We also let you donate to us, we do so like that. Fortunately for us you haven't the slightest idea about what is actually happening, you blame yourselves or fate or some other ethnic group or religion, our choice again of course, really helps us get the cannon fodder we need for wars.

We have been very, very pleased with how well you accepted money and interest scams. Many of us did not think you would be that easily fooled. Happily we were wrong. Also it is so fantastic that you still embrace the work ethic so well even though your paid slaves. Of course you don't know that either. But we certainly won't work as most jobs are toxic to health and damage the environment. Not that we care that much for your health or the environment were you are. As we obviously don't know much about work, we're sure happy you do it all for us!

It's true, life could be different. Society could be organized fairly to meet the actual needs of the population. But that would not fit with our program of survival of the fittest which we clearly are as we have shown by our ruthless, uncaring actions. You could collectively refuse to accept our domination, but you won't because you don't even know that you work for us. Isn't that sweet! Even as we tell you, you will deny it to yourself. In fact we have programmed you so well you can't even comprehend another way of life. That is the greatest, most significant achievement of our system, robbing you of your ability to imagine, to be creative, even taking your choice by making it for you while letting you think you made it yourself!

So on behalf of all Elites everywhere we'd like to thank you from the bottom of our totally heartless souls. Your endless sacrifice makes our life of extreme luxury and freedom to do as we please possible; your unquestioning obedience makes our system work. It's good for us you know your place and keep it! Thank you. Now get back to work!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Attack on Gaia - (Expands)

As I have said before, I found the date of the Deepwater horizon incident disturbing in the light of previous events in the USA. Astrology has played a pivotal role in that country from the beginning and when events start following a pattern it is time to pay attention.

On the 20th April 1985 the ATF launched an operation against an organisation called "The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA)" a one day siege. It seems the actions of this group were tolerated until they supposedly attempted to blow up a natural gas pipeline in April 1985. What little information is available appears to be conflicted.
On the 19th April 1993 the Waco Siege ends in a massacre after 51 days. This was a highly controversial event.

Alfred P. Murrah federal building 

On the 19th April 1995 the Oklahoma City Bombings took place. An event that has not been fully explained with damages done in excess of the proposed methods employed to create them. Many other inconsistencies. US military have been implicated in the last two events.

Also on the19th April 1995 Richard W. Snell a CSA member was executed by lethal injection.

On the 20th April 2010 an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon. triggers the largest discharge of oil into american waters ever recorded.  The rig sank on 22nd April, a date with its own meaning, 22 is also a special number as is 11 which happens to be the number of missing persons from this disaster.

The devastating effects upon the Gulf are not to be ignored but as this event has progressed one cannot help speculate that this was just a means to an even more disastrous end.  If the discharge is / was deliberate then it becomes apparent that perhaps the oil contamination of the Gulf is only a side issue, collateral damage in a much bigger scheme. If that is so then the question is what could that scheme be.

Why dump so much oil into the Gulf? It seems unreasonable to assume that it was just to poison the fish. Other suggestions have been to create a biological soup for the cultivation of some nano-bacterium. Very possible indeed and there is evidence to suggest it has happened. (Synthia) But I have another worrying thought. Let me introduce you to a little fluid dynamics. Something that is well known in science circles but not so commonly known to the public at large, oil affects the boundary layers between warm water flows thus effectively destroying a currents vorticity.

Now let us imagine that a Faction had a stated desire to say reduce the population of the Earth by a given percentage. Let us also assume that this faction is well funded and has access to virtually unlimited resources to pursue its ends. Lets us also imagine that they have found various ways to achieve this.

Let me remind you of a lesson I learned about the way the world works and one of the rules that must be followed by those that wish to control. It is this, they must tell you what they are going to do!

In 2004 a movie was released called The Day After Tomorrow. In this movie the Gulf Stream stalled (that part of the thermohaline circulation that delivers warm waters to Europe and primarily England) causing temperatures to fall in a very short time. This film was based on real science, the film showed the audience how the Gulf Stream transports warm water from the equatorial regions of the Earth, along American’s Eastern seaboard and then across the Atlantic to Northern Europe.

It has been speculated that if such a thing was to happen easily two thirds of the world's population could die as a direct result. Of course when altering global systems the results are likely to be serious and unpredictable so there could be more or less depending upon what variables come into play.

Let us return our attention to the Gulf of Mexico. It would be reasonable to assume that if they wished to stop the loop current in the Gulf of Mexico and through it the Atlantic current they would need a considerable amount of oil dissolved into the water column in just the right location. This faction would have the resources to know how much oil it will need to put into the water to stop the loop current in the Gulf.

However they would also be aware that just having that vast quantity of oil released into the Gulf would not be enough on its own due to oils behaviour when released in water. It floats on the surface. What would be needed is a way to blend the oil into the water column in the quantities required. It would need to be away from prying eyes so as not to raise to many suspicions. It would also need a deep release to ensure the blended oil could penetrate all levels of the water column. Is this starting to sound familiar?

It sounds just like whats happened in the Gulf of Mexico with the massive volume of oil released under high pressure, at depth and blended directly at the well head with Corexit. A well tested dispersant whose manufacture is controlled by the faction. It is likely to have included a biological agent in its payload as part of the plan to ensure rapid mixing. Did they succeed? On the face of it it appears so, in fact evidence suggests that oil and gas continues to leak from fissures and fractures across the Gulf seabed. So here we are today and we can see the results of this ambitious plan having their effect upon global weather systems.

The Gulf loop current has stalled. Not only that but we have evidence that the Atlantic current has shut down. This is just like the movie, with the Atlantic current stalled temperatures are plunging in Europe.

While the speed of this is not quite at the pace of the movie the potentials are the same, only the time factor may vary. We can look to the past to find examples of what has happened before when these currents have stalled. Paleoclimatological evidence shows that disruption of the thermohaline circulation has happened before.

Deep ocean sediments dating from the last Ice Age (11,000 to 13,000 year ago. A time period that has recurring significance), suggest that the fresh water run-off from melting ice masses decreased sea water density sufficiently to cause a breakdown of ocean overturning. What followed was a European winter 10 degrees Celsius below normal and cold spells that lasted for hundreds of years.

Comparable cooling could be expected today with a shut-down in thermohaline circulation. For London, this could mean a climate similar to that now experienced by the Arctic island of Spitzbergen.

The timing of the event has been near to perfect if results are to be judged. Indeed it seems that they have aligned perfectly with a predicted solar decline in overall solar activity which on its own could signify the onset of an ice age.

2.7 million years ago the Earth's climate was very stable, we could speculate as to what happened to change it and I would suggest that Velikovsky's proposals could well have been the cause. We know from the records we have that starting about 1 million years ago cycles of ice ages lasting approximately 100,000 years and separated by relatively short interglacial periods were the normal state of the Earths climate. We are said to be in one of those interglacial periods now.

I am concerned that a faction, being aware of the factors outlined here has moved to take advantage of the changing world climate by enhancing the effects in an attempt to try and reduce the world's population to the desired number of slaves the elite feels it can safely manage. If one factors in the ill effects of Chemtrails, Vaccines, Fluoride, poor nutrition and GM foods  the situation is dire, people who are not fit die easier in adverse conditions. One thing that seems certain, the repercussions of this particular "accident" are a slow moving global catastrophe that  has moved beyond our ability to contain.

[Continues]           [Previous on this topic]