Friday, January 29, 2010

Global Warming?

Global warming, the great environmental catch cry of the last century and one that is becoming more strident in the opening years of the new century. What is it? It is an idea proposed in the 1970's under the term "The Greenhouse Effect". The idea was that if global carbon dioxide (C02) emissions continued to increase at the current speed then in a 1,000 years there was the possibility there would come into play a heat trapping envelope around the planet that would cause temperatures to rise.

There was much discussion at the time of what measures needed to come into play to avoid this. Now towards the end of the 70's and into the 80' and 90's increased solar activity produced an overall warming of the planet as well as a equal and measurable increase on other planets in the solar system. To quote Fred Singer, an atmospheric and space physicist "There is now little doubt that solar-wind variability [streams of ionized gases that radiate out from the sun] is the primary cause of climate change on a decadal time scale.” However this small detail was quietly ignored by the vested interest groups as they started to issue warnings about this warming as if it was the result of a runaway greenhouse event. These powerful vested interest groups were able to employ a strategy of problem, reaction, solution blended with corruption to ensure the program is followed.

The global temperature rise brought on by the increased solar activity are used to justify the Global Warming claim. This new term was employed because it does not cite an actual cause for the warming just that there is one. If one does some investigating you will discover that the carbon dioxide level, which is supposed to be the actual cause of the warming has not moved greatly if at all in the past 160 years. To quote Science Daily; "Most of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activity does not remain in the atmosphere, but is instead absorbed by the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems. In fact only about 45% of emitted carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere." The facts are that this planet has a regular cycle of warming and cooling periods that are much more extreme than anything being experienced today.
One effect of the recent warming period will be the heat absorbed by the oceans which will linger, melting ice, releasing CO2 and influencing weather patterns for some time to come.

It is also notable that these variations occurred at low levels of atmospheric CO2. We have a situation where the Little Ice Age was found to have been the coldest period of the current interglacial which suggests that 20th-century global warming could not have taken the earth into "uncharted" thermal territory, but only back to something similar to what prevailed prior to the Little Ice Age, like the Medieval Warm Period, which was merely a run-of-the-mill relatively warmer period that was still much colder than the several-millennia-long Holocene Thermal Maximum, which was several degrees warmer than today's temperatures. Keep in mind, too, that nowhere over the course of this planets known history have temperatures remained stable for any length of time, and never has it gone in a straight line from year to year.  The real greenhouse gas, water vapour which warmer oceans generate, also releases CO2 but that is a symptom of the warming not the cause.

Atmospheric CO2 from 1860-2000 - Human CO2 emissions (blue line) are only responsible for 1% of the quite small quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere. CO2 is still on the rise due to ocean warming (does not cause warming)

Of course more cloud equates to more warming. Interesting to note that the data indicates that ice in the oceans is melting but ice on land is increasing in Antarctica. In the summer of 2007 Top Gear a popular UK automotive television series drove a car to the north pole! In 2008 the US National Snow and Ice Data Center predicted that the north pole would be ice free that year because of "global warming". This is a huge amount of ice to melt in one season and of course this never happened. It was later claimed to be the result of "errors in the data" which resulted in their missing 193,000 square miles (310,603 square kilometers) of sea ice, an area larger than some countries. (You are supposed to trust these people!) At the same time much was made of city size blocks of ice breaking of the ice shelf in Antarctica which is not uncommon for that ice shelf.

Have a look at the current supposed charts for temperatures and you will notice the medieval warming period has suddenly and magically ceased to be, apparently it didn't happen under the new model. I bet that would have come as a surprise to the Vikings who named Greenland as at the time it was ice free and covered in vegetation, and settled there and established vineyards. Based on this fact alone it is apparent that the globe could warm up to the degree that Greenland is free of ice and still be within normal fluctuations.

NASA-GISS' James Hansen's global raw 1999 temperatures

In simple terms vested interest groups are using a known phenomena to promote their own agenda. I suspect this agenda goes well beyond simply raking in of billions in cash. I think that is just an agreeable side benefit.

What evidence is there that we the human inhabitants of this planet are actually affecting its mean temperatures? None that can be clearly stated as having figures that have not been manipulated to show the desired outcome (warming) however a major scientific report by leading Japanese academics states that since 2001, the increase in global temperatures has halted, despite a continuing increase in CO2 emissions. There is no denying warming has indeed occurred over the last century. It's just that it has nothing to do with CO2 emissions.  What about the movie Inconvenient Truth from Al Gore?  Well aside from the fact it has been presented by a politician (that should indicate something in itself) has been shown to have at last count 35 serious scientific errors or exaggerations including some manipulations to reverse the data trend.

The same temperatures as previous chart processed/manipulated 2008 . As you see, a global cooling since the 1930s (right) up to the year 2000 has elegantly been changed into a global warming since the 1930s to suit the program.

Of course we need to act with responsibility and care for our world, we do need to put in place systems and ways that eliminate pollution. While I think of it don't you find it sadly funny how it's the public's fault if there's pollution but never the politicians who fail to support alternative non-polluting technologies or the industries that actively suppress any alternative energy sources because that would end the monopoly they have on energy supply and we all know that money is the number 1, 2, 3 and 4 priority. The control system is nothing if not consistent but I digress.

In light of the above who benefits from the introduction of carbon emission controls? In theory we all should in the long term, if it results in true change and the introduction of non polluting replacements for existing fuels. Something that could have been done years ago.

In fact what we find is two of the most powerful global groups falling over each other to rush this program into place. These two groups are governments and industry. We even see a politician making a movie about it, this movie it has been pointed out by independent researchers and scientists uses the facts in a very loose and biased manner. The figures presented in it are misleading, selective and/or distortions of existing data. Industry is already leeching funds from tax payers under the guise of carbon credits and deals with governments. You will soon be experiencing increases for power and fuels supplied to you of up to 40% or more because of these same credits. Welcome to the greatest scam on earth, presented and manipulated into your reality by those with a vested interest in having you believe you have created the problem so you must pay for it.

The point is none of the so called carbon credit actions will make any difference at all. Not only that but I would expect to see the UN being used to foster a single global enforcement of these policies as a precursor to establishing a global government. To this end they are offering to leech the wealthy nations via carbon credits to bribe the poorer ones into cooperating.

Another aspect of this was the hole in the ozone layer, a serious issue which was put down to fluorocarbons from fridges, air conditioners and multipurpose fire extinguishers. It would have had nothing to do with the nuclear explosions that where conducted in the upper atmosphere now would it? I have yet to have it fully explained just how that gas caused the hole. I did see some explanations but they made little sense. One can however find a direct relationship between the timing of the "atmospheric nuclear tests" and the appearance of the hole. Mind you it was great for business, industry made a large fortune out of that one as every air conditioner and refridgerator needed a new gas, plus the old multipurpose fire extinguisher had to be replaced with alternatives, in some cases several alternatives and all this was done globally. $$$

Now the idea of carbon credits is a profitable scheme indeed as it involves no actual item, only the estimation of a item. Industry is by way of paper shuffling and political double speak able to profit immensely from the idea. The result will be the reallocation of billions of dollars away from worthwhile projects and into the pockets of the greedy. Sorry tax payers, seems you're the bottom line yet again. The trouble is it is all a fiction. They will be forced to move very quickly as they will not be able to hide the fact that things are getting cooler not warmer, mind you I won't be at all surprised if they try and claim that the cooling is a result of the warming and go on to show that black is white and that psychopaths are really good caring types who are just misunderstood.

The bottom line is the greedy, self serving manipulators have finally found a way to make you pay for air and they will use this as a stepping stone to the new world order that they desire so much. Global Warming, (the proposed problem) is a term that is now being switched to Climate change, serves the agenda to help deliberately whip up mass hysteria (the reaction) on behalf of governments and other vested interest groups who are all too eager to introduce draconian taxation and control measures (the desired solution) that won't do anything at all to combat  warming, whether you believe it to be natural or man-made.  What is for certain is that this "Global warming" scam has an agenda promoted through a minority group within the United Nations.  Many scientists outside of this small group have vastly different opinions:

It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” - U.S Government Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of NOAA.

"Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history… When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” - UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.

Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly…. As a scientist I remain skeptical.” - Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology and formerly of NASA who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.

Well it's up to everybody to make themselves and others aware, once enough people see what is going on it can change, we can save ourselves and our planet from these leeches, but if ignored.....

You better start practicing.

Baaaaa Baaaaa.

A small sample of related links:

[Next item on this subject]

Monday, January 4, 2010


There has been a lot said about 2012 and the end of the world.  I believe that if enough people come to be convinced that this is the future then it most certainly will be.  We co-create our reality and it is by this group agreement that our future is determined.

I for one do not subscribe to this programming. Nor do any have to accept it.  The movie 2012 is a template they hope we will follow.   I think a better one would be to note the warning given in Avatar.

I am certain there are forces that would like nothing better than to see this global distructive future take place.  It fits the deception that is used to control us.
Our challenge is to learn to be "one" which is our true "being"  and do it quickly. Like the individual cells that make up our bodies so we to are part of a greater "being"  Our task on this world is to learn to "be" we do not have to "do" anything.

We can expect the matrix (control system) to generate chaos to encourage us to accept it's plans for world control via world government, banks and police forces. This is not the coming together of people for the mutual good but the imposing of dictorial rule by the few over the many.

We stand at the edge of a great period of change. Will we be given an Alien invasion to promote this agenda? Perhaps I don't know but you can be sure that the time honoured method of Problem, Reaction, Solution will be employed to herd the sheep people inwards the desired outcome.

Remember that opposing sides in this world are just different faces of the same thing.  Controlling both sides is employed to ensure the desired outcome. The only thing they need is fear.  The sheep people quickly rush to support the program.

Now is the time for leaning to "Be"

We have arrived at a point in time where it is important that people wake up! It is a point reached many times before. In the past we have failed to wake up. Mankind's group consciousness has been hammered back to dim awareness each time. With mass deaths reducing the populations the overlords the desired bare minimum of tightly controlled slaves to do their bidding. People need to understand that the matrix is real in the respect that it employs all forms of media and anything else it can manage to program them, that it is a control system and that the overlords setup and have run successfully for millennia. Its effect has to be removed and awareness of it helps a lot. Knowledge protects. This is the reality of our situation. Many before me have seen it and said so.

The system they have in place has programmed people to believe that this is normal how this world is and that we are at fault. Well sadly they are right in part as we have allowed them to take possession of our world and rule of our lives. However this existence is not by any means normal, we have been manipulated and controlled so completely we have no idea what is really going on.

We have again reached by degree of our numbers and the positioning of the universes forces a time when we can take control of our own destiny. It is quite simple really, we have to raise our individual consciousness to a level that allows our group consciousness access to the greater wisdom available to us if we can just lift our group awareness. Only we can help ourselves. Many believe that a saviour will come and redeem us and all they have to do is sit back and wait! These people are deluded by the matrix/control system into thinking this. I an sorry but only we can save ourselves. The whole worship and saviour mentality is part of the program. Worship your masters, obey them and like good Sheppard's they are they will lead you to the slaughter. A slaughter that is desired by the overlords to assist them getting back on program, to fulfil their agenda. At this point in time they are nervous and are employing every trick in the book they can to encourage us to leave them in control.  I would not be surprised to see a saviour figure emerge and many will rush to this deception. This will be just giving power to the overloards as no true path requires subservience to another. Think about it! This is exactly how wars can be made to happen as it requires the subservience of many to a leader.

We must restate our claim to our world, our lives, our futures. We have a powerful potential, it goes beyond anything our overlords are able to understand or achieve. They know this but by use of superior knowledge and technology keep us blind to important facts and information. This knowledge, is kept hidden from us and whenever one of us has found a clue to this knowledge they are repressed and they and the knowledge destroyed or removed, Any who have looked will know some of these people and how they were silenced and their works removed. Our leaders are as others have so clearly exposed all related by bloodline ties and have worked hard to maintain this. they are likely as not psychopaths one and all. They have as much interest in mankind as a medical testing laboratory has in its test animals. It is the duty of both native and adopted inhabitants who belong to this world to take on the responsibility of ending this cycle, of freeing humankind so that we can fulfil our development. The alternative is to be held over for yet another cycle of misery, wars, deception. To have our group consciousness smashed back to nothing.

Cooperation is the key, competition is a dead end lie promoted by the matrix. Look to the world and you soon see that cooperative relationships are the norm for success. We intuitively seek that which is greater than ourselves but we are programmed to be personally / ego focused thus preventing us from realising a truth often stated. We are part of everything. We are part of the Universe the way the cells of your body are part of you. I can tell you this and it will mean nothing at all, you have to realise this for yourself. To understand that you are, like all of us are, part of the greater whole. Some prefer to call for a separate creative being called "God" and say that this god created all things. Why not? It's close except for the separate bit. That is a control system, overlord deception. We are part of everything and everything is part of us. We are part of god and god is part of us. As such, we are god in the same way as your consciousness is you. God is not a focus of personality! nor a separate creator. God is the combination of all its parts coalesced into a composite of all.

We need to realise this at all levels of our being. It is a move from the overlords programmed idea of a parent, chid relationship with god that holds us powerless to one where we are equal participants in the being that is god. An awesome responsibility to contribute as part of the whole. God is the creative energy of potentiality being focused into experience. Each will make the realisation in their own way. But time is short.

I am hopeful that should we fail to break free of the trap we are in that we will have another chance, sadly it may be possible that this is the last time we will get a group consciousness to the level required to achieve transition for all mankind. It can be done on an individual level but that is much harder.  I hope those that read this can see the wisdom of looking for themselves and seeing.

Friday, January 1, 2010

What Humans Do

The night sky echoes past ages of light.
In a history of colour, it's an inspiring sight
All of it ancient by our short spans,
An eternity we can frame with our hands

Its vision splendid tasks our minds,
Helps us free our earthly binds
Illusions all by times journey enhanced,
Yet to its rhythm we have danced

From long ago to now the message past,
Recorded in the stones and skies to last
A warning about a dawning whose equinox procession,
Comes with inevitable precision

It’s retold down verbal generations,
Thus voids the predator’s deceptions
Till again we stand in awe of the impending immensity,
Of the foretold shift in density

Few though have heard their hearts call,
For them the coming is a fall
The predator stirs as so many fail the test,
it’s happy and awaits the rich harvest

Some will have read the sign,
A wave approaches it seems benign
Yet as it passes it takes its toll of belief,
As many set to recreate their current grief

While we pass this way on our journeys path,
We stop and look and start to laugh
For we are co-creators of our insanity,
We made our shared reality

Soon to be returned to the year one,
Some of us work to avoid the fun
Those awake in this depravity
Can see through the sad fantasy

And though I’m beside myself,
I take the time to share the wealth
So that others may come through,
Cause that’s what humans do

Mud 1998

SPIN ME BACK                      ANOTHER?